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Insult of ‘Vande Mataram’

Vaishakh Shuklapaksha 9, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

By Senior journalist : Shri. Arun Ramteerthkar, Solapur (Maharashtra).

Shri. Arun Ramteerthkar

Shri. Arun Ramteerthkar

‘Vande Mataram’ song was being played when Parliament  session was concluded. During this, Shafikur Rahman Barq, MP of Bahujan Samajwadi Party from Uttar Pradesh got up from his seat and left the hall. Barq justified his action claiming that ‘Vande Mataram’ was against Islam. The Speaker, Meera Kumar only advised him and left him at that; but no action was taken against him. Since Barq was quite sure that nobody would dare to admonish him because of his being Muslim, he could insult ‘Vande Mataram’.

Meerakumar and Mayawati overlook Shafikur Barq’s anti-nationalism

Parliament session got over on 8th May. The session was adjourned for indefinite period. It has been the practice followed since 1952 to conclude session with Vande Mataram. Accordingly, on 8th May, record of Vande Mataram was played as the house was adjourned. On listening to the tune, Bahujan Samajwadi Party (BSP)’s MP, Shafikur-Rahman Barq got up from his seat and walked out of the hall. After the song was over, Speaker, Meerakumar expressed her anger and advised that such thing should not happen again. It was deliberate insult of ‘Vande Mataram’. It was expected that Meerakumar would write a letter admonishing Barq; moreover, the Chief of BSP, would take some action against Barq and clarify Party’s views about Vande Mataram. It was felt that Mayawati would declare that Barq’s action was based on his own views and the party did not agree with his views; however, Meerakumar and Mayawati, both overlooked Barq’s action considering it as a minor thing. And such things will keep on happening.  

Barq’s action and statement is undoubtedly objectionable

Barq knew that nobody would dare to admonish him as he was Muslim. He, therefore, held a press conference and justified his action. He said that he respected ‘Jana Gana Mana…’ as the national song. There is no mention of ‘Vande Mataram’ in the Constitution. This song is against Islam; therefore, he would not pay respect to it. In fact, he had behaved in this manner on number of occasions even earlier. He claimed that he loved his country; but as a Muslim, he loved his religion more and he would not compromise with it in any manner. The act and statement made by Barq is definitely objectionable; even then he is living happily in this country after behaving and talking in such manner. When few patriots say that ‘Is Desh mein rehna hoga, to Vande Mataram Kehna Hoga ( if one wants to live in this country, he has to pay respect to ‘Vande Mataram’)’; then secular people charge on them. Among this secular people, there are members of PWP, left wing / right wing communists and socialists. If Indians would realize the historical importance of Vande Mataram, need to say ‘Vande Mataram kehna hoga’ won’t arise.    

Nehru’s major mistake of keeping ‘Jana Gana Mana …’ as the national song paying total disregard to ‘Vande Mataram’

From the year 1922, Muslim leaders have been opposing ‘Vande Mataram’. Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru bowed before that opposition. Vande Mataram could have been given the honour of being national song after partition of this country was carried out based on religion and Pakistan was given to Muslims. Those opposing Vande Mataram had gone to Pakistan. When 90% of the people wanted Vande Mataram, Nehru chose ‘Jana Gana Mana….’ for few Muslims. The poisonous fruits of the number of grave mistakes committed by Nehru, are now experienced by people; out of which, selecting ‘Jana Gana Mana…’ as the national song, was one such major mistake.   

‘Jana Gana Mana…’is also against Islam!

Many Muslims hold similar opinion like Barq today. In ‘Vande Mataram’, one bows to the motherland which is described as ‘sujalam, suphalam’. Barq and others say that no bowing before anyone other than Allah. This justification is not acceptable but their opposition is mere foolishness. While accepting ‘Jana Gana Mana..’, Bharat is referred as ‘Bhagyavidhata’. It is acclamation of the one who is Bharat’s ‘Bhagyavidhata’ and such person’s blessings are sought. Without bowing, blessings cannot be obtained. ‘Gaye tava Jai Gatha’ is also against Islam. If the meaning of ‘Jana Gana Mana’ as a whole is seen, it is also against Islam as the name of such person will be taken with pride; he will be called as ‘Adhinayak’; he will be acclaimed; song of his glory would be sung. If all this is acceptable; why should ‘Vande Mataram’ be not acceptable? If one thinks about it, one will observe that opposition to ‘Vande Mataram’ is not because it is against Islam; but because of the attitude of hating whatever is revered by Hindus. If you revere cows, we will even worship cow-eaters’ clothes. If you believe in idols, we will break idols; if you like to take out processions with music, we don’t want any music; therefore, if Hindus say that Vande Mataram is more revered by them than even ‘Veda-mantras’; then we will say that Vande Matram is against Islam. It is the mentality of Muslim leaders to claim ‘we are also patriots like you’ but to preserve separate identity, to attack the standards of this country and our ancient culture. Earlier when they were only few, they never felt the need to be scared and now, they have grown so much in number that secularists have no choice but to bow before them. Today, Congress Party is ruling this country at Centre. Sharad Pawar may not accept but after victory in Karnataka, popularity of Congress has been once again proved. Congress has given Kashmir to Pakistan and Arunachal Pradesh to China; even then, people will vote for Congress; such is the situation. Congress should, therefore, explain its standpoint about Vande Mataram.

Muslim leaders should declare ‘Vande Mataram’ as the national song !

Barq is not the only Muslim MP in Parliament. Why should only he feel that it is against Islam ? There are many Muslim leaders in Congress party like Salman Khurshid, Gulam Nabi Azad, Vice President Hamid etc. If it is declared that like the patriotic song ‘E Mere Vatan ke logo..’, Vande Mataram is also patriotic song, the controversy about the song will, once for all, end. Presently, ‘Vande Mataram’ is neither considered as a patriotic song nor the national song. The souls of revolutionaries, who sang ‘Vande Mataram’ while being hanged, will at least put to rest and they won’t come down to ask why Vande Mataram was being insulted in such manner. Hindus, who are voting for Congress, have already lost their ‘purushartha (power)’. Indifferent Hindus will not say anything even if Vande Mataram is banned. Then why to waste time; either Barq should be punished or Vande Mataram should be banned and this topic should be closed.

Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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