Jyeshtha Shuklapaksha 9, Kaliyug Varsha 5115
Hindus should oppose, in lawful manner, making of such unscientific Shri Ganesha idols !
Kolhapur (Maharashtra) : In the background of Ganesha Festival, sculptors face problem to obtain clay for making Shri Ganesha idols; therefore, making of idols with plaster of paris (PoP) is on the rise. What steps can be taken for preservation of environment was the topic of discussions held by ‘Sakaal’ group of newspapers through the medium of ‘Citizen Editor’ on 6th June with people associated with this field. BJP’s MLA, Shri. Chandrakant dada Patil, Maharashtra Afforestation Corporation’s Director, Manik Patil- Chuyekar, Vice President Marutrao Katavare of State Kumbhar (Potters) community, Regional Manager of Pollution Control Board, S. S. Doke and ‘Vidnyan Prabodhini’s Uday Gaikwad etc. took part in the dicussions. If clay was not available, Ganesha idols should be made from paper pulp, was the general view during these discussions. (This shows ignorance of Hindus towards Dharma-shastra. Idol made of clay is eco-friendly and as per Dharma-shastra, it is beneficial only when immersed in running water. It is, therefore, wrong to make wrong demands for cheap publicity ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Points raised during discussion session :
1. There is good demand for Shri Ganesha idols made from paper pulp in Kolhapur; therefore, this option should be considered.
2. To reduce price of idols with paper pulp, idols will be made available to devotees at a concessional price. (If there is so much of concern towards environment, idols made of clay rather than PoP, should be insisted. There have been instances of fishes dying after immersion of idols made of paper pulp as the paper got caught in their gills. Even then making demand for paper pulp shows lack of study of the subject ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
3. Pollution Control Board should make available natural colours for Ganesha idols. It was also suggested that water tanks should be made available as an alternative for immersion.
4. Shri. Manikrao Patil said, “Clay from the land owned by Forest Department may be made available to potters. Efforts will be made to hold a meeting soon with Dr. Patangrao Kadam, the Forest Minister and officers of this Department with representatives of potter community for the purpose. (Congratulations to Shri. Manikrao Patil for making attempts to make available clay to potters ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
5. Shri. S. S. Doke said, “It is important to erect separate artificial water tanks for immersion wherein Pollution Control Board will also join. Whether the idol is made of PoP or clay, it can be re-used if immersed in artificial water tank.” (When the idol of Shri Ganesha is immersed in flowing water of a river, the ‘sattvikata’ in the idol spreads to far off places along with the water and more people get its benefit. It is therefore, unscientific to erect artificial water tank and immerse Shri Ganesha idols in it. Also, pollution caused by colours of idols, is only 0.2% compared to pollution caused by factories mixing water with chemical effluents. Shri. Doke should, therefore, announce that how many agitations were staged by him against factories spreading pollution. Hindus should take such environmentalists to task who show their concern towards environment only at the time of Hindu festivals !- Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat