Jyeshtha Krushnapaksha 4, Kaliyug Varsha 5115
Satara (Maharashtra) : In the name of celebrating eco-friendly Ganesha Festival, the local Municipality was hatching a plot to oppose immersion of Shri Ganesha idols. The above information was obtained from a reliable source.
The Municipality says that chemical colours and plaster of Paris used in making Shri Ganesha idols bought and installed by individuals for domestic celebration, cause pollution of historic Moti and Mangalwar Lakes in the city. The Municipality has to spend millions of rupees to remove the sludge collected after immersion; therefore, immersion of idols in the two lakes is going to be prevented. Many heretic organizations have been trying to mislead members of royal families from the city and attempts are being made for making appeal to people against immersion of idols in these lakes through the members of royal families.
Devout Hindu organizations have also planned to find out solution to such problem. As per the science, if idols are made from clay and with natural colours, this problem can be solved. The devout citizens will, therefore, concentrate on creating awareness among the concerned people and feel that members from royal families and politicians should pay respect to the religious sentiments of Hindus.
Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat