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Pujya Dr. Pingaleji’s guidance attracts Tamilnadu’s self righteous people

Jyeshtha Krushnapaksha Shashthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Pujya. Dr. Charudatta Pingalji's guidance

Pujya. Dr. Charudatta Pingalji’s guidance

On 24.6.2013, a guidance program of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s  National Guide (Margadharshak), Pujya. Dr. Charudatta Pingale attracted self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) from all over Tamilnadu. It was held at Tag Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission Higher Sec. School, T.Nagar, Chennai. Around 70 self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) participated and benefited.

Sri. Arjun Sampath, President of Hindu Makkal Katchi felicitated Pujya Dr. Pingale. Pujya Dr. Pingaleji gave guidance regarding the importance of establishing Hindu Rashtra. He explained how to counteract the intellectuals who question baselessly. Further, he emphasised the important role of spiritual practice and the clear guidance given by Bhagwan Sri Krushna regarding this. He urged all the Dharmaveers present there to take up the role of Vanarasena or a tiny squirrel as per their capacity in this Dharmakarya.

Question and answer session

Question and answer session

Following his guidance, a question answer session took place in which many self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) participated enthusiastically. Questions were asked regarding the need of starting a new Hindu channel when 'Astha' channel was there, whom should we elect during this election, the need for a national debate on secularism, how to stop the denigration happening in the TV programs, why to chant only SriKrushna’s name instead of the all powerful Lalitha name etc. Pujya Pingaleji answered all the questions deftly and with total sincerity and bhav. The program concluded by offering gratitude.

Flex display and stall

Flex display and stall


1. Sri. Niranjan Varma of 'Pallav Times' took the interview of Pujya Dr. Pingale before the program.

2. The hall was filled with chaitanya during Pujya Dr. Pingaleji’s guidance. Many were able to feel the divine vibration.

3. A butterfly was freely, fearlessly flying amongst the audience during Pujya Pujya Dr. Pingale  guidance.

4. Many new seekers participated in making the arrangements for  the program.

5. Sri.Haranji did the seva of Chief photographer of the program and stayed from beginning till end. He sent all the photos promptly.

6. Many self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) of other Hindu organisations like Sri. RBVS Manianji of VHP, Sri.Baskarji from Pathanjali Yoga Samiti, Sri. Kumarji of Desiya Padukappu Kazhagam, Sou.Dr.Vijayalakshmi of Dharma Rakshana Samiti, Sou.Padmaji of Rashtra Sevika Samiti also participated in the program.

7. Some self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) like Balasubramaniamji, Nanduji who attended Hindu Adiveshan did hall seva and stayed back till the end.

8. Niece of Sri.Sridharji namely Kum. Vaishnavi did pulpit (stage) seva. She immediately applied kumkum by removing her bindi after coming to know of the spiritual science behind applying Kumkum.

9. Holy texts worth Rs.945 and Saatvik items worth Rs.2,550 were sold on that day.

10. 5 self righteous people (Dharmabhimanis) sponsored 60 Gurupournima Special issues and assured that they will distribute them.

11. A Tamil monthly magazine named ‘Pesum Deivam’ for which Sri. Arjun Sampathji is the adviser assured that they will publish the report of the program.


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