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Pakistani Hindus demand to vacate Hindu Gymkhana building

Whether it is Pakistan or Bangladesh, fanatics grab Hindus’ houses and buildings ! Hindus need to elect devout Hindus to power for bringing about a change in this situation !

Karachi, Pakistan – Dr. Khatu Maljeevan, a leader of minority Hindus from Pakistan made a demand in Sindh Assembly that Hindu Gymkhana, the historical building of Hindus taken over by National Academy of Pakistan, should be vacated and returned to Hindus.

Hindu Gymkhana building, Karachi

Hindu Gymkhana building, Karachi

In his budgetary speech, Dr. Maljeevan said that many temples owned by Hindus and historical buildings in Pakistan have been taken over by some powerful people in Pakistan; life of Hindus has been made unbearable by few jihadis in Pakistan. 'I am the witness of the incident of Rinkle kumari. She was converted by force. That time, about 500 armed jihadi terrorists tortured the judge and Hindu community; therefore, the judge refused to handle that case’, stated Dr. Maljeevan. He also made a demand in the Assembly for passing of an Act against conversions made by using force. (Congratulations to Dr. Maljeevan for making demands in Assembly in Pakistan ! Hindu leaders fight for minority Hindus in Pakistan; whereas Hindu leaders in India where Hindus are in majority, work in the interest of Muslims ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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