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Anti-Hindu Odisha Government that destroys faith of Hindus by demolishing their temples

Bhadrapad Shuklapaksha 3, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

The local administration took up the drive of demolition of temples

The local administration took up the drive of demolition of temples

Shri. Anil Dheer

Shri. Anil Dheer

In January 2011, Odisha High Court passed a verdict that 207 religious structures were on the Government’s land in Cuttack, known as the cultural capital of the State and should be demolished. As per the decision, in May 2013, the local administration took up the drive of demolition of temples. The local Hindus and trustees of temples woke up when one by one, temples were being demolished and they went in appeal to Supreme Court getting stay on the High Court’s order. Shri. Anil Dheer, a senior journalist and pro-Hindu activist from Odisha has written an article on this subject which is given below.

1. Verdict passed by Supreme Court in 2009, on demolition of religious places in Gujarat

In Karnavati edition of Times of India dated 2.5.2006, in one of the news, it was stated that ‘Gujarat High Court has passed an order to demolish 1200 Hindu temples and 260 mosques which were constructed in unauthorised manner.’ The Supreme Court had intervened in the matter and passed stay order against Gujarat High Court’s decision.

In the verdict passed by the Supreme Court on 29.9.2009, all States and union territories were asked to submit, within 8 weeks, a detailed list of religious structures constructed in unauthorised manner. It was stated in the verdict that no religious structure should be constructed on Government land or at public place in future. All Chief Secretaries of respective States were directed to instruct district collectors in their States in the matter and they should submit, within 4 weeks, an elaborate list of all religious structures constructed in unauthorised manner in their region.   

Many States did not submit list of such unauthorised religious structures even after the stipulated period. In this context, the Supreme Court once again passed an order on 17.12.2009 that all States should submit the list by 27.1.2010. It was clearly stated in the order that considering the seriousness of the subject, no other Court in the country should pass any order in this respect.

2. Action taken by Odisha Government

Thereafter, Odisha Government instructed all district collectors and concerned officers to check unauthorised religious structures in every district and prepare a detailed list. Accordingly, 15000 religious structures were listed as unauthorised.

3. Odisha High Court passes an order to demolish unauthorised religious structures

Around this time, 4 separate complaints were registered with Odisha High Court against unauthorised religious structures causing obstacles in traffic in Cuttack.  In January 2011, Odisha High Court ordered the State Government to make a list of such unauthorised religious structures and demolish them.

4. Unpardonable mistake of Odisha Government and High Court !

In January 2011, based on the interim order of the High Court, Odisha Government immediately instructed district collector of Cuttack to demolish 207 religious unauthorised structures in which there were 204 Hindu temples, 2 mosques and 1 church. Odisha Government did not inform High Court about Supreme Court’s order and the report submitted in Supreme Court; moreover, the High Court also did not pay any heed to the order passed by Supreme Court.

5. After demolition of 30 religious structures, temple trustees and few local Hindus come together to set up ‘Dharmanushthan Suraksha Samiti’ for protection of temples   

On 1.5.2013, Cuttack District Administration started a drive to demolish temples in Cuttack city and in next two days, 8 religious structures were demolished. Trustees of various temples, devotees, different ‘bhajani mandals’, ‘Durga-puja Committees’ held demonstrations in temples; but the Administration demolished 30 religious structures by 22.5.2013, with the help of police. During this period, trustees of temples and few local Hindus came together to set up an organisation called ‘Dharmanushthan Suraksha Samiti’ for protection of temples.

6. Few devotees promptly take action for protection of temples !

From donations given by every family in Khan-nagar in Cuttack city, Sri Saibaba Temple has been newly constructed in the area. When the devotees learnt about plan of the Administration and police to demolish this temple on the following day, member from every family decided to go to temple for protection  and 2500 devotees sat in the temple from night and sang ‘bhajans’. On the following day, despite lot of efforts by police and administration, devotees could not be shifted from the temple and plan to demolish it was cancelled in view of maintaining law and order. (Ref: Times of India, Bhuvaneshwar edition, 23.5.2013)

7. Supreme Court’s stay order for demolition of temples

Later, trustees of 4 temples along with few pro-Hindu advocates filed a petition in Supreme Court against the decision of Odisha High Court for demolition of temples. On 25.5.2013, Supreme Court passed a stay order against demolition of those 4 temples. Odisha Government learnt a lesson from this and called off its drive on 26.5.2013 of demolition of temples.

8. Famous Gundecha Temple was demolished claiming it to be unauthorised and after realising Govt’s mistake, now re-construction of temple, will require funds to the tune of Rs. 16- 20 crores

The famous Gundecha temple is in Cuttack known as cultural capital of Odisha. After the famous Gundecha temple of Puri, the second Gundecha temple is only in Cuttack. At the time of ‘Ratha-yatra’, millions of devotees from nearby regions come here. The administration claimed that some part of the temple was unauthorised and the whole temple was demolished. The huge 20 feet tall idol of Hanuman was broken from the temple area. The idol was tied with rope while demolishing Hanuman temple. All small temples and other structures in the temple premises were also demolished. Now the Government has realised its mistake and it is thinking about re-constructing the temple. The Government will have to spend Rs. 16- 20 crores of people’ money for re-construction of this temple.   

9. Powerful Hindu organisations indifferent while Hindu temples were being demolished in Cuttack and they make noise after everything was over !

On 1.5.2013, when the demolition of temples started, in the next 22 days, 30 religious structures were demolished by the Administration. During this period, devotees staying in nearby areas of temples and temple trustees were the people who came forward to oppose the Government. None of the pro-Hindu leaders or powerful pro-Hindu organisations came forward and took initiative. In these 22 days, none of the pro-Hindu leaders or organisations even registered protest. After 22.5.2013, when trustees got stay order from Supreme Court, local BJP leader, Shri. Samir Dey declared that with the help of pro-Hindu advocates, case will be fought in Supreme Court against the wrong decision given by the High Court.

Opinion of Shankaracharya of Govardhan Peetha – Odisha High Court should keep
ideal of Kolkata High Court which considered the decision taken by Shankaracharya from Puri as final !

‘The Government has broken the faith of Hindus by taking decision of demolishing temples at Cuttack. The Government and Court should work within their limits. The Government should not interfere in matters on which Indian Constitution does not say anything. All decisions related to temple and mutts are within the jurisdiction of Shankaracharya from that region i.e. under Dharmaguru. Management of places of worship is Dharma-shastra. How can provisions of Indian Constitution be applied to it? I know that the administration would object to my statement; but I have no fear of going to prison; therefore, I can say anything’.  

Odisha High Court should keep ideal of Kolkata High Court before them. Few years back, Kolkata High Court had stated in a case of one temple that the decision of Shankaracharya from Puri would be final and the High Court would accept it. Odisha Government and High Court should remember that temples are in this country even before Indian judicial system and High Courts came into existence. That time, temples were controlled under ‘Dharma-shasan’ and even now, the same system should be followed. The Government should immediately stop damaging Hindus’ faith. – Shankaracharya Sree Nishchalananda Saraswati, Purvanmaya Govardhan Peetha, Jagannathpuri  

Wrong activities of Trustees of Hindu temples on temple lands !

Trustees have constructed unauthorised structures near temple areas in Cuttuck. They have built shops and given them on rent. Few Hindus have constructed ‘Puja-mandap’ in unauthorised manner near main roads in the city in the name of ‘Durga-puja’. – Shri. Vinayak Shanbhag, Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha, 15.6.2013

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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