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Opposition to declare Shri Ganesh festival as a holiday in Convent schools

Bhadrapad Shuklapaksha 8, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

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Mumbai: Although majority of students studying in their schools are Hindus, Convent schools in Mumbai haves declared that it would not be possible to grant holiday for Shri Ganesh festival by cutting short Christmas holidays. These schools have paid no heed to the order  issued by the State Government instructing schools to grant holiday during 9th to 12th September on the occasion of Shri Ganesh Festival. (O Hindus, now there is need to decide whether they should admit their children in convent schools, which are attacking Dharma, thereby attacking Hindu culture ! Till the anti-Hindu rulers are governing this country, there will be no curb on anti-Hindus, who are always ready to attack and destroy Hindu Dharma and culture. Hindus need to realise this fact and dedicate themselves to establish Hindu Rashtra ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

While refusing to grant such holidays, missionaries of these schools have claimed that, “they respected Hindu festival’, and at the same time, they have thrown the Government order in dustbin. (One may think that cunningness is an inborn quality of Christian missionaries ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

This year, the Education Department conveyed their decision to reduce Christmas holidays by a day and grant it as a holiday for Shri Ganesh festival just one day prior to the beginning of Ganesh festival.

Schools remained open on 10th September to inform all parents about the holidays. (Would the Education Department have made such a mistake in respect of Muslim festival? The rulers and their administration dare to committing such mistakes only because Hindus are tolerant. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

An officer from the Education Department confirmed that schools would be closed till Thursday.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Tags : Christians

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