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Indian Administrative Service : Shortcomings, faults and problems

Ashwin Shuklapaksha 2, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Government, Administration, Judiciary and Journalism are 4 pillars of democracy. Among them, Administration is such pillar which is directly connected to people. It is the responsibility of the Administration to implement Government policies, Government’s programs and projects. When Administration works in the interest of people, welfare of the country and with promptness; only then their responsibility is shouldered in a perfect manner. In the present state, the above qualities are lacking as it is full of shortcomings, faulty and corrupt. In the past 64 years, therefore, people have not been able to taste the fruits of good governance.

In this series of articles, information, news and examples of such shortcomings, faults and problems are mainly illustrated which are based on the newspaper cuttings collected by Sanatan Sanstha from 1998 to 2011.

Sanatan Sanstha has been working towards establishment of righteous Hindu Rashtra so as to give ideal governance to people for their overall progress. In future Hindu Rashtra, such citizens will be in the administrative system who will be concerned about welfare of society, Nation and Dharma. They will work not as Government officers or employees but as public servants. Work output of every component in Administration system will be verified every day which will make the administration system efficient and prompt. Let the readers realise how an ideal administrative system should be and let them get motivated to bring in such ideal governance, is a prayer at God’s feet !

1. Shortcomings in Administrative system

1.A.4. Setting up commissions and accepting only convenient suggestions made by them; there is no system for implementation of such suggestions and it is a pretentiousness on the part of Government to mislead people for politics of votes : The fifth Pay Commission submitted its report in 1996. It was advised that within next ten years, the Government should cut down its size by reducing 1/3 of its staff strength. The Government of ‘Progressive Front’ led by I K Gujaral, however, did not accept this instruction; moreover, all instructions given in report regarding raise in salary were accepted. The Government did take many decisions for cutting down; but did not set up any machinery for implementation of the same. Government allowances are being raised time and again; e.g. in the year 1995-96, Government employee was getting Rs. 664/- towards house rent; in 1997-98, it was raised to Rs.1186/-. The allowance given to them for education of their children have gone up to Rs. 54 crores from Rs. 34 crores. Leave Fare allowance granted to employees has reached Rs. 112 crores.

2. Transfers and Promotions

2. A Transfers with political motive and administrative procedure for promotion : Views expressed, 9 years back, by former Judge Narendra Chapalgaonkar on transfer or promotion of administrative officer or employee, are applicable in even today’s situation which is very unfortunate for our democracy. Given below is a gist of his views to motivate everyone for dedicating self for bringing about change.

2.A.1 Political interference !

2.A.1.A Hideous form of system which makes a virtuous person feel helpless when transfer of administrative officer is effected for taking action against ministers’ relatives ! : I got introduced to a young administrative officer with sincerity and selflessness towards his duty. The atmosphere in the department otherwise known to be as corrupt was little different because of presence of this young officer. Even people had started to feel assured of getting their work done without any influence or obstacles. Suddenly, he was transferred. That officer told me, “I am not bothered about transfer; but am feeling sad that when my colleague would come to know reason for my transfer was taking action against minister’s relative, they would not strictly do their duty and a message would be sent to others that protection should be given to those who are close to  ministers. My attempts to discipline my juniors have gone waste.” I also felt disturbed to see such hideous form of our system that makes one’s conscience helpless.

Source – Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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