Ashwin Shulapaksha 5, Kaliyug Varsha 5115
Strict action should be taken against those indulging in cow-slaughter on the occasion of Eid, and Hindus should cooperate ! – Cunning, shallow talk by Hussain Dalwai
Mumbai – Few fanatic elements are purposely indulging in cow-slaughter on the occasion of Eid despite ban on cow-slaughter in Maharashtra, in order to create enmity between Hindus and Fanatics. Congress M.P. Hussain Dalwai demanded that strict action should be taken against such fanatics. This demand is made by him with the Chief Minister Pruthviraj Chavan and Home Minister R.R. Patil. (If Dalwai really thinks on these lines, why no effective efforts were made by him to enforce strict ban on the cow-slaughter, despite his knowledge that thousands of cows are slaughtered not only on the day of Eid but also on other days ? What is the need now for merely making such hypocritical appeals ? – Editor, Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat) He also further said that Hindus should cooperate in this regard. (Thief calling police ! Since Hindus are tolerant, they always extend their cooperation to Fanatics for celebrating Fanatic festivals. However, during Hindu festivals, Fanatics incite riots by turning aggressive. When this is apparent, Dalwai has only insulted Hindus by giving them such an advice. Alternatively, Dalwai’s statement may mean that Hindus should remain peaceful in the event of arrest of Fanatics while indulging in illegal cow-slaughter or transport of cows, bullock etc. ! O Hindus ! Realise the cunningness of the Fanatic leader and unite to establish Hindu Rashtra. – Editor, Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat)
On this occasion, He also said that few fanatic organisations were trying to spoil friendly relations between Hindu and Fanatics by offering sacrifice of cows during Eid.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat