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Forgetting the supremacy of history – A curse !

Ashwin Shuklapaksha 12,Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Forgetting the supremacy of history – A curse !

1.  Ignoring  ideals set by Bharatiya culture before us and stories of bravery of our heroes, innumerable problems and perversities created in  society

Every proud and glorious page of our history contains  stories of achievements in the lives of supremely ideal luminaries; on the basis of which, we can easily imbibe various characteristics like humanity, socialization and nationalism; however, with great regret, we have to say that  we are not only pushing our ideals to the nadir of our memory, but are neglecting the supremacy of these ideal luminaries. It is easily possible for us to create our bright future by remembering and following various attributes of these luminaries such as sacrifice, martyrdom, patriotism, selflessness, penance, sadhana,  social commitment, bravery, pride, vow to serve the motherland, humanity, control over physical desires etc. However, it is a matter of curse that we are forgetful of these luminaries and their stories of bravery, and because of this, innumerable problems and perversities are being created in the society. Due to our ignorance towards ideals of Bharatiya culture, today’s society is under the profound influence of materialism and western culture.

2. To create a new society and a new nation by learning from the proud history, which has its own identity, is an urgent need of the hour !

Only the proud history created by our proud great heroes can endow our future with a new vigorous form. Our history teaches us nationalism and martyrdom. It can lead us towards cultural ideals; similarly, can provide a protective sheath for our future, which is digressing in the hurricane of western perversity. Only this history can protect us from getting entangled in the labyrinth of worldliness. Today, we have become selfish. We do not have bhav (Spiritual emotion) towards God; neither do we possess social ideal, and nor the upsurge for nationalism. Therefore, to create a new society and a new nation by learning from the proud history is an urgent need of the hour. Today, the nation needs sacrifice, martyrdom; similarly, enthusiasm anew for society, culture and the nation. Today, the society is badly in need of ideas, character, self-restraint, honouring women, modesty and good conduct. This mission will be fulfilled only when the incidents in the proud history are studied, and these ideals are followed. Today’s young generation is moving towards lack of character; therefore, study of the writings of Swami Vivekanand is necessary. They should strive to mould into characters such as Rani Lakshmibai, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Pratap etc. Dr. Radhakrushnan had said that the history of any country is a memory of that country. As a strong energy is required for the development and progress of any individual, similarly, history is important for  progress of the nation or State.

3. If we forget our proud history, the impending era and future generation will never forgive us !

From the viewpoint of Dr. Ishwariprasad, to see the present in the light of the past is like looking at past (Reflections) in the light of the present and especially, study of proud history will definitely prove beneficial for  creating  the future. From  viewpoint of national values, cultural and social values, educational values, business ideals etc., study of proud and glorious history is very essential. Not to forget our proud history is a real truth. If we forget our proud history, the impending era and future generation will never forgive us because otherwise, we would have lost the opportunity to create our bright future, and due to  dereliction towards duty, we would have committed a mistake of destroying everything owned by us by creating dark and hopeless future .

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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