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Harm caused to Hindus for not following principles of Dharma !

Ashwin Krushnapaksha 8, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

1. Most of the Hindus do not practice spirituality; therefore, their destiny never gets over, besides they make provision for getting future births and going through destiny with their present wilful actions.

Most of the Hindus today, don’t realise the importance of Dharma; as such they neither abide by Dharma nor undertake spiritual practice. They are engrossed only in their materialistic world. They do not turn to God or Dharma even if they have to face problems every now and then and in case they do turn to God; it is not for long period. As a result they only go through their destiny of this life time. Absence of spiritual practice results in never-ending accumulated destiny and not achieving the second goal of human life which is God realisation. In fact, with wilful action of this birth, future destiny is created to go through more births. Thus, human life acquired with God’s grace is only wasted; then why should God hold such people close to Him ?

2. When a baby is born, God feels that at least in this new life, the baby would attain Him; but it does not happen and 99.99 % people disappoint God

When a baby is born, God feels now in this life the baby will attain Him; but it does not happen. 99.99% people disappoint God in this respect; therefore, God pays more attention to the remaining 0.01% people who yearn to attain Him; then what is wrong? A mother gives birth to a child, brings him up, undergoes lot of trouble in taking care of him; but when the grown up child does something wrong, she is disappointed and feels whether she gave him birth and brought him up for such things. She feels that her child has wasted his life; similarly, God also feels about those who do not undertake spiritual practice.

3. Hindus need to know the importance of Hindu Dharma and try to acquire God’s grace for fulfilment of their life as real benefit lies in this !

Hindus should note that it is not too late; they still have some time. God is very kind. Whenever they look at Him; they will realise that He is looking at them; therefore, not from today, but right from this moment, walk on the path shown by Him. Hindus need to realise the significance of Hindu Dharma, as the true benefit lies in abiding by Dharma and acquiring God’s grace so as to fulfil the mission of their life.

– Sou. Rajashree Khollam, Pune

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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