Paush Shuklapaksha 8, Kaliyug Varsha 5115
Participation by HJS
Faridabad (Haryana) – Congress Government ruling Haryana has decided to build the first mechanized slaughter-house in the State at Faridabad. The local pro-Hindu activists have, therefore, become aggressive against this decision. On 5th January, all religious and pro-Hindu organizations held a meeting in Sri Geeta Mandir, Sector 15 wherein it was unanimously decided to oppose this slaughter-house. (Congratulations to pro-Hindu activists who immediately became active against anti-Dharma decision with unity! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
- Shri. Rupesh Shah of ‘Gopal Gou-shala’ said in his appeal to all organizations, “Once the slaughter-house is built, majority of cows will be slaughtered here. It is an attempt to destroy Hindu culture and should be opposed by all organizations with unity.”
- Shri. Suresh Munjal, the State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Punjab and Haryana gave examples of adverse effects of slaughter-house on society, environment so also its spiritual effects. He made an appeal for trying to eliminate the attack on Hindu Dharma by all pro-Hindu organizations coming together.
Decisions taken in the meeting
- A committee called ‘Pashu-vadha Virodh Samiti’ was set up in this meeting to oppose building of slaughter-house.
- Representation will be submitted on behalf of this committee to the Chief Minister of Haryana on this issue. Every organization will also give a separate representation to the Chief Minister in this connection.
- Signature drive will be undertaken against construction of slaughter-house.
- Demonstrations will be held by blocking roads to demand cancellation of the decision of slaughter-house.
Token hunger-strike by ‘Gou-premi’ Saint Gopaldas opposing slaughter-house
‘Gou-premi’ Saint Gopaldasji observed fast for 3 days as a token of protest at District Collector’s office, Faridabad. He has asked the Government to immediately withdraw the proposal of building slaughter-house. Saint Gopaldasji said, “Significance of ‘Gou-mata’ has been explained in Hindu culture. Those, who are destroying ‘gou-mata’, will themselves get destroyed.”
Shri. Suresh Munjal of HJS also joined this token hunger strike. Shri. Munjal said, “Social health will be adversely affected if slaughter-house is built leading to problems of law and order; therefore, Hindus should unite and oppose this proposal.”
Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat