Justice Sachar Committee’s gigantic political fraud


In December 2006, Dr Manmohan Singh made a pan-Islamic declaration to the effect that Muslims of India – and particularly Muslims only – will have a knock-down priority in the vital matter of charge on scarce Indian national resources taken as a whole. Soon after this lopsided and unwarranted announcement, I wrote in these columns in News Today: ‘In my view the Prime Minister’s most inglorious statement in our recent history only amounts to outraging the modesty of Mother India just for the sake of hit and run and shit and run electoral gains for the Congress Party through the treacherous quick-sands of Muslim vote-bank politics in the ensuing Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections in 2007 and the Lok Sabha elections in 2009’.

        I am delighted to note that my initial assessment on the Sachar Committee’s dubious and political interpretation of core available data relating to the socio economic status of Muslims in India vis-à-vis the Hindus in majority made in December 2006 has been totally and factually born out by the recent report of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) which says that it is the Christian Community, not Muslim that is most unemployed. Justice Sachar has been guilty of national sabotage when he fraudulently declared that Muslims are the most unemployed. This NSSO Survey has also said that in urban areas 49 per cent of the Muslim households are self-employed as against 36 per cent Hindu households and 27 per cent Christian households. This Survey covered 7,999 villages and 1,24,680 sample households.

        All the enlightened Hindus of India know that Dr. Manmohan Singh’s (which means Sonia Gandhi’s) specially chosen hangman for achieving this Pan- Islamic Pseudo Secular objective on the eve of Assembly Elections in UP has been Justice Rajinder Sachar who has given his infamous report based on half truths, fable, fiction, contrived and manipulated statistics to hide the blatant truth at all costs with transcendental pseudo-secular fervour. His only focus has been to advance the political fortunes of the dying Congress Party. The entire Sachar Committee Report has been overturned not by the RSS or the Sangh Parivar but by the recent report of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).

        Now the question is what was the provocation for the appointment of Justice Sachar Committee? The answer can be given in the trenchant words of Dr T H Chowdary, a great technocrat and humanist: ‘In order to gain the block votes of Muslims to boost the sagging fortunes of Sonia-led Congress, the UPA Government directed by the Italy-born Dr. Sonia Maino Gandhi and kept in power by the non-Indian communist parties, the Prime Minister, who has been reduced to a rubber-stamp by the ADHINAYAKI of Congress appointed the JUSTICE RAJINDER SACHAR COMMITTEE to study and report on the economic and social conditions of Muslims in the ‘secular’ democratic republic of India. ‘In profusion of his sympathy, Justice Rajinder Sachar had advocated the adoption of proactive measures that could bring up Muslim representation in proportion to their population in every sector of India’s economic and government activities. There is a suggestion that the budget of every government department and development project should set apart 15 per cent for helping Muslims’.

        A Notification was issued by the Prime Minister’s Office on 9 March, 2005, whereby a seven member High Level Committee, chaired by Justice Rajindar Sachar, was constituted to prepare a report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India. In a country teeming with the poor and the indigent, the reasons for appointing a Committee solely to assess the socio-economic conditions of only one community, namely the Muslims, while ignoring the deprived segments of other communities, appeared quite mysterious, if not motivated.

        R K Ohri, IPS (Retd), Secretary General, PATRIOTS’ FORUM, New Delhi sent a letter on 19 May, 2006 to the Justice Sachar Committee Office in New Delhi in which he stated as follows: ‘The terms of reference of the Committee included a specific provision requiring it to conduct ‘an intensive literature survey to identify the published data, articles and research on relative social, economic and educational status of Muslims in India’, as reiterated in para 2 (a) of the aforesaid notification.

        At the same time, para 5 of the Notification authorised the High Level Committee to co-opt or invite such persons (s) at it deems appropriate, to participate in any of its meeting as special invitee(s). Prima facie, the aforesaid two provisions were intended to empower the Committee for arriving at the truth after considering the views of all those who wanted to submit facts and figures. This was also clear from that fact that the Committee had issued advertisements in a number of newspapers inviting representations from all those who wanted to make both written and oral submissions.

        Our study group (known at that time as Concerned Patriots Thinktank) wrote two letters on 20 September, 2005 and 3 October, 2005 respectively, requesting, the Chairperson of the Committee, to give an opportunity to meet him personally for presenting our viewpoint on the subject along with a written submission.

        We were advised by Dr S Zafar Mahmood, Joint Secretary to Govt of India and Officer on Special Duty, vide his letter dated 6 October, 2005, to fax or send by post our representation ‘which the Committee will be happy to consider’. A facts-and-data packed Memorandum dated 26 October 2005 was submitted to the High Level Committee by Speedpost Acknowledgment Due on 31 October, 2005, because our effort to deliver the document by hand in the Committee’s Secretariat, against a proper receipt, did not succeed. It was received in the office of the Committee on 10 November, 2005, as is evident from the signatures on the Speedpost Acknowledgment Due Receipt.

        Another request seeking a personal audience was made vide our letter dated 7 November 2005, while forwarding a copy of the inadvertently left behind Annexure 5 of our Memorandum (ie, Statement 7 of Census 2001 Religion Data Report).

        After waiting for Committee’s response for nearly 24 weeks, a d.o. reminder was sent to Justice Sachar on 18 April, 2006, drawing attention to our long pending Memorandum and again seeking a personal hearing. On 17 May 2006, we received a communication from Shri Atam Prakash, Administrative Officer of the High Level Committee, advising us to send another copy of our Memorandum dated 26 October, 2005 submitted to the HLC.

        Taking this opportunity, we slightly revised our submission and accordingly sent another Memorandum, a revised one, on 18 May, 2006, to the Committee. It was sent by Speedpost on 19 May 2006 and contained yet another prayer seeking a personal hearing.

        Subsequently, three more reminders were sent to the High Level Committee on 12 July, 2006, 23 October, 2006 and 9 November, 2006 fervently seeking a personal hearing. In the last two reminders dated 23 October, 2006 and 9 November, 2006 some additional inputs were sent to the High Level Committee in support of the facts stated in our revised Memorandum dated 18 May, 2006.’

        On 1 December, 2006, The Patriots’ Forum learnt from media reports that the Sachar Committee’s Report had been tabled in the Parliament. It transpired that the report had been submitted to the Prime Minister on 17 November 2006.

        After going through the voluminous report, The Patriots’ Forum was shocked to note that their Memorandum was not considerd at all by the Sachar Committee despite a written assurance given to their Forum in Dr Zafar Mahmood’s letter dated 6 October, 2006 that the Committee ‘will be happy to consider’ our representation. What is disgusting to note is that they were not given any opportunity either to meet the Committee, though many other Muslim groups, Muslim individuals and NGOs, were given an opportunity to meet and interact with the Committee members – a fact admitted in the Report on page XV (Acknowledgment). This denial of opportunity to The Patriots’ Forum can be viewed by any Court of Law in India as a clear violation of the mandate assigned to the Committee in terms of para 2(a) of the Notification and the implied promise to consider every viewpoint, as announced through advertisements in dozens of newspapers. I am firmly of the view that the Sachar Committee did not want to hear the submission of The Patriots’ Forum because it had stated clearly in its Memorandum that in terms of four important human development indicators, namely Infant Mortality, Child Mortality, Urbanisation and Life Expectancy at Birth, the Hindus are more disadvantaged than the Muslims and that the real cause of social backwardness of the Muslim community, prevalent all over the world, lies in their regressive social system and stranglehold of obscurantist clergy and religious scholars.

        It is strange and somewhat extraordinary that instead of reaching the truth through objective inquiries and proper analysis, the Committee started by recording what seems to be a pre-conceived value judgment given to it as a directive by the UPA Government in the beginning of the report in para 4 of Chapter 1 by stating ‘Among these, the Muslims, the largest minority community in the country, constituting 13.4 per cent of the population, are seriously lagging behind in terms of most of the human development indicators’.

        Since The Patriots’ Forum consisted only of Hindus, the Office of the Justice Sachar Committee treated them with Islamic (!!) contempt as stateless citizens. If only the Imam of Jamma Masjid or some group of motely Mullahs had sent a representation, either Justice Sachar himself would have gone to meet them or at any rate he would have definitely deputed Dr S Zafar Mahmood Joint Secretary to Govt of India and Officer on Special Duty to their places of habitation to give a super-compassionate Pseudo secular hearing with the full Roman Catholic benediction of Sonia Gandhi, with the supplicant surrogate pathetic Prime Minister ever in-waiting.


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