Bob Strickland praises HJS for campaign against M.F. Hussain

Mumbai: Hindu Janjagruti Samiti’s social ostracism against M.F. Hussain is more powerfull. This is the feedback that HJS has recently recieved from an american called Mr. Bob Strickland . Hindu Janajagruti samiti (HJS) is running movement against anti-hindu painter M.F. Hussain on website.

"M.F. Hussain’s painting are Not only offensive and distasteful, but they’re not even very good artistically.  I worry that your campaign will bring attention to and (possibly) raise the stature of this 2-bit painter (here in the United States there is a saying that any publicity is good publicity, and it is not uncommon that controversy can raise the selling price of artwork." he further said

"I worry that the legal banning of any (non-violent)  expression establishes the right of the state to ban any expression that offends and soon any speach against the state (calling for reforms, calling attention to corruption, etc…) could be deemed offensive and illegal.  Better I think to let the market punish him by boycotting him and anyone who supports him (I see you’re already effectively doing this.)  If people who publish offensive "art" lose their ability to sell their "art" in the marketplace then I think that will be more dis-incentive than outlawing such works in one country and making such works into "forbidden fruit" (enticing to many people). I would rather call for social ostracism than legal action.

Oh, and thank you for making such a beautiful (and informative) website." Strickland said at last.

Related HJS Campaign :
> MF Hussain Campaign
> M.F. Hussain’s hypocrisy exposed !Special!

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