Paush Krushnapaksha 12, Kaliyug Varsh 5115
Dombivali (Maharashtra) : On 23rd and 24th January a programme was organised on behalf of Bethesda Shalom Ministries by putting up flex charts giving messages, ‘Be ready to meet God’, ‘Meet Yeshu’(In Hindi) at various places in Ayregao inviting people to attend it. Assumimg that this might be a plot to convert people by alluring them through these charts; hence with a view to stop this, Mr. Sandeep Jadhav of Raja Chhtrapati Yuva Pratishthan and devout Hindus, Mr. Rohit Vishe and Mr. Abhijit Bhor gathered together and with the coordination of other devout Hindus foiled the Christians’ programme opposing it conventionally. The fact is that police permission was not secured in advance for this programme. On one side the police were not ready to register the complaint against the organisers and on the other hand the police were showing inclination to give permission to the organisers although they had come at the last minute. The devout Hindus present there took a very bold stand; as a result the Christians could not present their programme. (Congratulations to the devout Hindus for being very tough to save Dharma ! Such devout Hindus only is the true strength of Hindu Dharma. – Editor Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
1. On 23rd January half an hour before the programme was to commence at 5 p.m. the above mentioned devout Hindus with the help of other Hindutvawadi organisations asked question to the police at Ramnagar Police Station, whether they had given permission to that programme. The police confirmed that the permission was not granted for that programme.
2. In a very short time Mr.Vidyadhar Kunte of Bajrang Dal, Mr. Nilesh Kale of Lashkar-e-Shivba, VHP activists etc. arrived at the police station. They asked the police to register a complaint against the Christian organisers for holding the programme without permission; but the police avoided to do so till the end. In the meantime some Hindutvawadi had reached the venue of the programme. Mr. Shankar Dicholkar and Mrs. Savita Borude of Hindu Janajgruti Samiti were among the activists.
3. While Hindutvawadis and the police were having discussion, the Christaian organisers reached there and they requested the police to grant them permission to hold the programme. Police also appeared to be inclined to give them permission. Seeing this the Hindutvawadi got very furious. During this time Mrs. Deepika Pednekar of women front of Dombivali, MNS came there after having been informed. She also was very furious and forced the police to handle the situation very carefully.
4. At this time the office bearers of Hindutvawadi organisations gave an option saying that if the police wished to grant permission then the organisers will have to fulfil certain conditions laid down by Hindus. If they agree then only grant them permission, told the Hindutvawadi. The conditions were- The speakers will not criticise Hindu Dharma in any way, no comparison between the two religions, Hindus should not be lured to get converted, etc. At that time the police gave appropriate instructions to Pastor Moses Korna and other people. Organisers also agreed.
5. Later the organisers presented the programme for some time; but stating that for some unavoidable circumstances the programme had to be cancelled, they concluded the programme. Later it was heard that Christians offered some prayers in Jyotinagar area very nearby on 23rd and 24th night. That time also Hiduvawadi distributed some pamphlets opposing the same.
Other Hindutvawadis acknowledging Sanatan Sanstha to be in the forefront in spreading Dhrama !
At this time activists of said started opposing Hindutvawadi only while supporting Christain organisers stating that, they were spreading Dharma in a nice manner. Then why do you oppose them ? Hearing this Mr. Degaokar reacted saying that if they are spreading Christian religion nicely then we also have Sanatan Sanstha, giving guidance in very nice manner. We will send their guides; please organise their programmes also.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat