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Pathetic condition of family and social system in Britain !

Magh Shuklapaksha 1, Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Hindus are going towards destruction owing to blind imitation of western culture !

1. Shocking condition of family system as per ‘national Statistics’ of Britain

A. Men and women live independently on a very large scale.

B. Those, who stay together, do not want responsibilities that come with marriage.

C. More and more children are staying with single parent.

D. Husband stays in North whereas wife indulges in immoral relations in South.

E. Earlier, men and women used to stay singly but independently. In 2009, their number doubled. Husband and wife staying separately have now become three times more. Like journalism, there is freelancing in the market of marriage.

F. Joint family will be found in Britain only in museum.

G. Earlier, a woman used to reach office within 10 minutes; but now, owing to crowd, 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 hours are spent in train; as a result, ‘white’ women finds it more tedious to bring up children.

H. We stay with our children which is called ‘nuclear’ family. Earlier, such families were 52%; but now the number has gone down to 36%. 64% couples are on the verge of opting for divorce. Their life has become boring. For them, Murdoch publishes new immoral affairs every day to make their life interesting. Such couples have given birth to 16, 60,000 children.

I. Cases of pregnancy amongst girls of 13- 14 years age group has gone up to 42 in 1000. The British Government propagated against pregnancy of minor girls with the help of lady-editor of ‘News of the World’ for which the British Government spent Rs. 2400 crores; but it was of no use. The Government has to accept that Britain is the Capital of ‘teenage pregnancy’.

National Statistics is a renowned institution; expert in conducting surveys; so its statistics is never wrong.

2. Britain Government encourages staying together without marriage giving them facilities

Get rebate in income tax : Earlier, couples who used to stay together without marriage had no social standing. In 1979, the situation changed. Later, the British Government relaxed the law related to divorce. Within 24 hours, marriage and within 24 hours divorce ! The Government granted rebate in income tax for couples in live-in relationship. Earlier, there used to be religious and social obligations which have been lifted. When such couples are asked, they give a set answer that ‘we are testing the relationship’.

There is a very good book on this topic authored by Madam Patricia Morgan titled ‘War between the State and Family’ available in London wherein it is written that ‘What to do ? The Government extends more facilities and tax rebate if we stay without marriage.’

3. Enjoyment / fun seeking amongst girls and increasing ‘love jihad’

The biggest danger in Britain is of future generation. 30% girls without both parents or without nuclear families, have now turned young women. They get good salary; have money in hand; so their attitude towards life is enjoyment and Pakistani youth are taking advantage of this situation. Cases of ‘Love jihad’ are a lot more in Britain compared to Karnataka and Kerala.

4. Socialists from Britain feel that living together after marriage is beneficial for all

Couples staying without marriage have tendency to be disloyal to each other. Marriage is a bond and if husband betrays wife, he is brought to senses by society and his family members. Socialists from England are of the view that if a couple marries and stays together, more money is brought home and their children study well. It also reduces fights at home. In England, there is generally one car per home. In some houses, there are two cars but there are fights and arguments every day.

Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper publishing all affairs is the reason of such developments in England !

5. On TV channels in Maharashtra, wrong practices, which are not followed in India, are shown in serials and even popularized

In every Marathi serial telecast in Maharashtra, all wrong acts not practiced in India, are shown continuously inculcating wrong values like someone slapping the other; romping, keeping hand over shoulder of any woman; pressing their hand with force, having liquor, rape, running away, murder etc. All such improper things are shown on channels like ZEE, Star, Mi Marathi etc. as if they have taken a vow to popularize such practices.

– Dadumiya (Dharmabhaskar, August 2011)

(Indians, who are glorifying and blindly imitating western culture, should try to understand adverse effects of such free life indulging only in materialistic enjoyment. Indian Visionaries like Arya Chanakya have explained principles for having control over mind and organs which help in leading righteous life and prosperity of nation. Hindus who are following westerners turning their back to Sanatan Dharma, should realize the importance of own Dharma and lead happy life abiding by Dharma ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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