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Self-destructing silence of RSS !

Magha shuklpaksha pournima,Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Activities of anti-Hindu gangs are increasing as elections are nearing. One inconsequential magazine called ‘Caravan’ has recently dug up Malegaon bomb blast case targeting RSS. It is claimed that a reporter of this magazine was in contact with Swami Asimanand for past two years and he has claimed that Asimanand told him about ‘Sarsanghchalak’ Mohan Bhagavat being ‘mastermind’ behind bomb blasts at Mecca, Samajhauta Express etc. It is a mystery that why Asimanand told this reporter what he did not tell even investigating agencies. It is quite clear that the entire charade is for branding Hindus as terrorists. Presently, when anti-Hindu gangs like ‘Caravan’ have become very active; pro-Hindu groups do not appear to be so active against such gangs. Several attempts have been made so far by such gangs to brand RSS as terrorist organization; but every time, the force with which such accusations were expected to be refuted, that strength was not found. This silence of RSS is self-destructive. It will not only cause harm to RSS but it will cause more harm to ‘Hindutva’.  

It is most essential to counter thoughts with thoughts !

If one reads news about pro-Hindu organizations on any website of media at global level, it will be observed that pro-Hindu organizations are called as either radical or rightist or Hindu terrorists. Why Hindus’ standing has gone down so much at international level ? It may be due to Hindu-hatred of media; but the main reason is owing to us falling short in giving apt reply to such opposition, at ideological level.  Views in RSS vary on method of opposing their adversaries as they feel that opponents should be just ignored. Such policy can be applied to a certain limit; but when opposition party is continuously challenging insolently, it becomes imperative to register protest, in lawful manner, to keep its mouth shut. Even now, same thing is happening. Indians must not have heard about a magazine like ‘Caravan’; but it got publicity overnight by branding Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagavat as ‘mastermind’ behind bomb blasts. Nowadays, it has become a fashion to throw muck at pro-Hindu organizations, Hindu Dharma, Hindus’ sacred books etc. so as to get instant and easy publicity as being secular, progressive, reformist, humanitarian etc. Those, who are running ‘Caravan’, seem to have understood this principle very well. RSS should have held press conferences, staged agitations – demonstrations etc. and filed case against ‘Caravan’ for libel. RSS is not countering opponents at ideological level and causing lot of harm to self. Today, a nondescript magazine like ‘Caravan’ got publicity by criticizing; accusing RSS; tomorrow, any trivial magazine published from some small by- lane would criticize RSS to get publicity. When an enemy is attacked before it spreads its feet, its strength is reduced. If opponents like ‘Caravan’ are not stopped in time before they grow, tomorrow, they may go beyond control. It is, therefore necessary for RSS to fight against such opponents, not for own sake but for the sake of expansive ‘Hindutva’.

Ideological terrorism should be given apt reply !

Presently, Gobel’s strategy is followed against pro-Hindu activists. Ideology of a person or society is very important because thoughts inspire a person or society to act. Anti-Hindu groups are making full use of this strategy hatching conspiracy for defamation of pro-Hindu activists. If such conspiracy is not foiled in time, society falls prey to ideological terrorism and people’s perspective towards pro-Hindu organizations’ activities becomes negative and they tend to ignore noble social, educational and religious acts of these organizations. It is necessary to keep an eye on enemy’s activities, irrespective of whether such enemy is strong or weak and to counter act to make him powerless. There are many lawful ways available in democratic rule to keep control over anti-Hindu factions. If we keep on ignoring opponents, the anti-Hindu demon will gulp down Hindus. Every pro-Hindu activist should, therefore, stand against anti-Hindu factions as his duty towards Dharma. This is what we can learn from the episode of ‘Caravan’.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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