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Chennai : Police advise producers of ‘Ali J’ play to refrain from staging shows

Phalgun Shuklapaksha 9,Kaliyug Varsha 5115

Effect of opposition by HJS !



Chennai : Show of controversial play titled ‘Ali J’ was to be staged at local theatre; but owing to opposition of pro-Hindu organizations, police advised producers of ‘Evam Group’ to cancel the show. (Congratulations to Chennai police for taking such decision! Police from other places should also follow example of Chennai police ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Kartik Kumar of ‘Evam Group’ has expressed regret over the action taken by police. The show scheduled at Bengaluru was also opposed by local pro-Hindu organizations; but it was staged under police protection. Kumar said that action taken by police is throttling of freedom of thought. (There is glorification of Mohammad Ali Jinnah who was responsible for India’s partition. Patriots are bound to oppose such plays; moreover, police should refuse permission on their own for staging of such plays. What Kartik kumar feels about freedom of thought is not so important as compared to national and religious sentiments of majority Hindus in this country ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Representation submitted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)

On 8th February, HJS submitted a representation to Joint Police Commissioner of Chennai for imposing ban on staging shows of this play. Copies of representations were also submitted to the concerned police station, Election Commission and Municipal Commissioner in the presence of Sou. Uma Anandan and Shri. Radhakrushnan of HJS, along with 7 devout Hindus. HJS activists informed Chennai police that owing to HJS opposition, show of the said play was cancelled during ‘Kala Ghoda Festival’ in Mumbai. Chennai police made inquiry with local HJS activists in this regard. Police were informed that opposition would be made in lawful manner. The Joint Police Commissioner then promised to cancel the show of that play.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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