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‘George Soros hates humanity’: Elon Musk says NGO billionaire wants to erode civilisations

On Tuesday (31st October), Tesla CEO Elon Musk lashed out at far-left billionaire George Soros for putting human civilisation under threat during a 2-hour 40 minute-long-podcast with radio host Joe Rogan.

“In my opinion, (Soros) fundamentally hates humanity. He is doing things that erode the fabric of civilization,” he was hearing saying. Elon Musk lambasted Soros for ensuring the appointment of District Attornerys (DAs) who refuse to prosecute criminals, thereby worsening the crime rate in major US cities.

“Getting DAs elected who refuse to prosecute crime…That is part of the problem in San Francisco, and LA, and a bunch of other cities. So why would you do that? He is pushing things in other countries as well” the Tesla CEO added.

“George, at this point is pretty old…basically a bit senile at this point…He is very good at arbitrage – famously he shorted the British pound…That’s how I think he made his first money,” Elon Musk added. He hinted at how the far-left billionaire is trying to influence local elections and getting a good value for his money.

“And one of the things he noticed is that the value for money in local races is much higher than it is in national races. “The lowest value for money is a presidential race. The next lowest value for money is a Senate race, then a Congress. And when you get to city and state district attorneys the value for money is extremely good,” the Tesla CEO stated.

“Soros realized that you don’t actually need to change the laws, you just need to change how they’re enforced…If no one chooses to enforce the laws, or the laws are differentially enforced, it’s like changing the laws,” Elon Musk concluded.

This is not the first time that he lambasted the far-left billionaire. Earlier in May this year, Musk reiterated that George Soros hates humanity. “You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity,” he said then.

George Soros-funded group impacted the outcome of the 2020 US elections

George Soros had been following a pattern to subvert democracy, bring about regime changes and interfere in the free decision-making process of voters.

In a tranche of internal documents released in the aftermath of Twitter’s takeover by Elon Musk, it came to light that a group (First Draft News) funded by the Open Society Foundations (OSF) of the Hungarian-American billionaire helped in suppressing the infamous Hunter Biden story.

This move alone impacted the result of the 2020 US Presidential elections. In May last year, 2 advocacy groups (Free Press and Media Matters for America) funded by OSF wrote to major corporate brands to reconsider their decision to fund ads on Twitter.

George Soros and his anti-India agenda

India has been fighting a ‘perception war’ on all fronts since the start of 2023. On February 16 this year, George Soros exploited the Adani-Hindenburg controversy and launched a scathing attack on the Indian government.

He claimed, “Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies. Their fate is intertwined…Adani Enterprises tried to raise funds in the stock market, but it failed. Adani is accused of stock manipulation and his stock collapsed like a house of cards.”

Soros accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of crony capitalism. “Modi is silent on the subject, but he will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in parliament,” he added.

The Hungarian-American billionaire also said that the ‘shakedown’ caused to the Indian markets due to the Hindenburg Research report will result in ‘much needed institutional reforms’ and ‘democratic revival’.

George Soros and his vicious ecosystem of NGOs, activists and journalists had been trying to prove PM Modi as an ‘electoral autocrat’ who needed to be ousted for the ‘greater good’ of this country. And it has been a work in progress for a long time.

The Hungarian-American billionaire has also tried to use international institutions, which are funded by him, including Freedom House and  V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute to tarnish the image of India at a global level.

In January 2020, the American billionaire committed $1 billion to start a global university to “fight nationalists” and climate change, calling them twin challenges that threaten the survival of our civilisation.

Source: Opindia

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