Chaitra Krushnapaksha 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5116
Munishri. Viragsagar Maharaj and Munishri. Vinamrasagar Maharaj to be present
Pune (Maharashtra) : A mammoth meeting has been organized on 26th April at 8.30 p.m. at ‘Jain Dharma-shala’, Dehu Road, to protest against the growing number of modern slaughter-house and consumption of non-vegetarian food. The rally will be attended by Munishri. Viragsagar Maharaj and Munishri. Vinamrasagar Maharaj. Members of ‘Jeevadaya Abhiyan’ from all over the country will attend in large number.
Cow-slaughter is taking place on large scale in this country. ‘Ahimsa Sangh’s activists although try to prevent such slaughtering; at many places, it is still going on. This mammoth meeting has been organized to plan course of action for stopping cow-slaughter. Many members are required to join this drive of ‘Ahimsa Sangh’ and an appeal has been made to people to join the activities whole-heartedly; sacrificing their mind, body and wealth. For more information, contact, Shri. Rakesh Jain (9769696271) and Shri. Mayankbhai (8080209046)
Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat