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Elect candidate who will fight against assaults on Hindus !

Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj

Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj

Kolhapur: Hindu Dharma is in danger from all sides due to lack of ‘dharma-shikshan’, incompetent Hindus and secular Government/ rulers. Secular Congress Government is making it very difficult for Hindus by meting out injustice to them in every walk of life and is not bothered causing oppression of Hindus so also favoring followers of other religions. The Government patronage is therefore, necessary if Hindus want their future to be bright and protection of Hindu Dharma. The above statement was made by Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj in His guidance. He was addressing a huge gathering of Hindus organized by Shiv Sena. The gathering was also attended by Shankaracharya Vidyanrusinh Bharati of Karveer Peeth, H. H. Yogiraj Dharmanand Maharaj from Sadguru Jangali Maharaj Ashram at Valivade (Dist. Kolhapur).

Maharaj said further, "a human asked for longer life span compared to other living beings. God also granted his wish and gave remaining years of life of bull, dog, monkey to human. Therefore, he lives life of an animal after 40 years. Average human being worships Goddess Lakshmi (wealth) more than worshipping Lord Narayana. Despite having body, thoughts, intellect and mind etc., he fails to know real self. To know one’s true form, man should worship Narayana.

Now there is no Hindu nation in this world. Christians are spreading Christianity under the guise of doing some constructive work. They have the backing of money. If this situation persists, today’s conversion to religion will become conversion of this country. It is the responsibility of parents to inculcate good moral values in children. Similarly, it is the duty of the ‘Dharma-Gurus’ to teach Hindus about their Dharma; but our ‘Dharmagurus’ are confined to their ashrams and mutts and do not go to masses. As a result, people do not know what is Dharma and why is it needed. Dharma-Gurus are therefore, responsible for such condition of Hindu Dharma. The Dharma-Guru needs to be a fighter to protect Dharma.

Not a single political party has the ability to save Hindu Dharma. Topics like construction of ‘Sree Rama Mandir’ are only an election manifesto. Hindus should become vigilant and aware of happenings related to Dharma. They should vote such candidate who will fight against assaults on Hindus. Hindus must create their ‘Vote bank’ and become devout.

Shankaracharya Vidyanrusinh Bharati said that schools are not imparting Dharma-shikshan’ to children. A human being should follow his Dharma as other living beings do. Unrighteousness will never help a human being in his progress. People are blindly following Western culture in their way of dressing, language and eating habits. Everyone should have knowledge of his Dharma to stop further deterioration. Hindus should vote for a righteous person who would work for furthering Hindu Dharma. 


Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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