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O Devi, please forgive me, I am going for serving the nation; please release me from social obligations !

Jyeshtha Shuklapaksha 1 ,Kaliyug Varsha 5116

  • Modi’s statement while leaving Sou. Jashoda ben !

  • Interview given to a newspaper by Narendra Modi’s wife Jashodaben

  • See the difference between politicians from all parties who strip the country off all national wealth in the name of serving the nation and splurge it for own family members; have illicit relations with other women; and look at Narendra Modi who sacrificed everything for the country !

Mumbai : Shri. Narendra Modi will be sworn in as Prime Minister of this country on 26th May. In this background, one Gujarati newspaper had interviewed his wife Sou. Jashodaben. Few points from the interview are reproduced below.

Q : Did you ever think about Narendra Modi becoming Prime Minister ?
A: In 2002, one reporter of a news channel had asked the same question that ‘today, Gujarat is burning, what will happen in future ?’ and I had firmly told him that ‘Today, may be Gujarat is burning but it will calm down and today’s Chief Minister will become Prime Minister of this country in future.’ (Only a chaste Indian woman can say such things and it can happen !  – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Q: Can you narrate a happy incident of your life ?
A: My whole life is full of happiness. After marriage, I got peace and happiness in life.
Q: What do you think about marital happiness ?
A: It is my personal matter. I will not say anything on this. In three years, we lived together only for 3 months.
Q: What was the last conversation you had with Narendra Modi ?
A: On 1st January 1987, we talked for the last time. While taking leave of me, he folded his hands and said, “Devi, please forgive me, I am going for serving the nation. Release me from social obligation.” After that day, we have neither met nor have we talked even over phone. I always pray that wherever he is, let him be happy. He is following his path and I am living as per my path.
Q: Who inspired you to study further ?
A: He (Narendra Modi) only ! When I got married, I had passed only 7th standard. He encouraged me; therefore, I could study till 10th standard and did a course in teaching. He left to serve the nation and I immersed myself in teaching, moulding small children.
Q: Will you be interested in entering politics ?
A: Never. Home and devotion to God are the only things which have priority in my life.
Q: Will you like to attend Modi’s swearing in ceremony ?
A: I have not received any invitation. I will certainly go if I receive such invitation. Who will not be happy with his swearing in ceremony ?
Q: Is there any bitterness in mind ?
A: No. Not at all ! Whatever God does is for the best and I am sure that even in future,  He would do what is best. (How many of today’s married women have such way of thinking ?- Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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