Jyeshtha Shuklapaksha 2, Kaliyug Varsha 5116
Alert Hindus notified Forum for Hindu Awakening regarding denigrating images of Shri Hanuman and Shri Ganesh on the walls of a restaurant called Funky Curry located in Melbourne, Australia in late 2012.
Please see the denigrating images below :
Since then, volunteers of Forum for Hindu Awakening have been educating and following up with the restaurant owners about the matter. In November 2013, the restaurant owner agreed to remove the denigrating images after she returned from overseas in March 2014. Devout volunteers of Forum for Hindu Awakening accordingly followed up and found by May 2014 that the images had been removed. This was confirmed by visiting the restaurant. Please see how the restaurant looks now below :
Congratulations to all the courageous, devout and vigilant Hindus who protested against this denigration! Let us all pay heartfelt Gratitude to GOD for this success! Let us unite all supporters of Hinduism so that in the future people will refrain from the denigration of Hindu Dharma. It is our duty to do something about each and every denigration that happens all around the world; let us fulfil our duty as our debt unto God.
There are other branches of Funky Curry in Melbourne. We appeal to Hindus in Melbourne to visit other branches of Funky Curry and check if there are any denigrating images. If denigrating images are found, please do educate the restaurant owners about the denigration and inform Forum for Hindu Awakening at this address: http://forumforhinduawakening.org/dharma/campaigns/report-denigration/. You can visit the website for Funky Curry by clicking here: http://www.curries.com.au/
Source : Forum for Hindu Awakening