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Make effective use of Social Media for protection of nation and Dharma : Shri. Amrut Kale

Jyeshtha Amawasya , Kaliyug Varsha 5116

Shri. Amrut Kale

Social media is good means to undertake activities related to Hindu culture and Hindu Dharma. So far, we got knowledge against Sanatan Dharma through all types of media. Today, if we start talking about Hindu Dharma, there is opposition. If we give our opinion through social media, we do not face any opposition. Presently, 12 crores of people are connected to Facebook, Twitter etc. What we write, last for longer period. Social websites can be used for creating awareness. Newspapers, TV channels do not give knowledge about Hindu Dharma. Newspapers, TV channels can be sold to any individual or a Sect; but social websites cannot be sold. It should be remembered that social websites have immensely contributed to various national movements and they should be used effectively in propagation of matters related to nation and Dharma.

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