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Empire of Khalifa : Milestone on the way towards third World War

Ashadh Shuklapaksha 11, Kaliyug Varsha 5116

Sunni rebels have won over some parts of Iraq and Syria; declaring it as Khalifa’s regime. It has already been published that after Iraq, their next target is going to be India.

1. Region conquered by Sunni terrorists has been declared as Khalifa’s State !

Sunni rebels resorted to violence and conquered some parts of Iraq and Syria. They declared the conquered part as ‘Khalifa’s empire’; so also declared Abu Bakra Baghadadi as the first Khalifa. The region won in this manner has been named as new Islamic State. Islamic State has declared, on line, that Muslim people should condemn democracy or western views by accepting Khalifa’s leadership. The announcement to this effect was made on the first day of ‘Ramzan’. Its spokesperson declared that the State would be governed as per Islamic laws. It was clarified that under new Khalifa’s regime, old emirates, organizations, States, groups and their soldiers would not exist.

2. What is India’s future ?

News about Sunni rebels following similar carnage in India especially in Gujarat was telecast at the same time on channels. Our rulers need to decide now as to how much time is to be spent in verifying truth in it. In the attack over Mumbai on 26/11, ten terrorists kept Maharashtra’s police department as hostage for 60 hours; therefore, carnage that happened in Iraq, if happens in India, how are we going to tackle it ? Terrorists used sea-way in 26/11 attack is now quite clear. Kasab and his gang knew Mumbai roads which is not possible just by using road-map given on website. Who were the anti-nationals from India who helped in materializing the plan, was never investigated. Police had found 8 bombs, each having 30 kgs of RDX. After the case, that RDX must have been destroyed (it is hoped); but at that time, news were received about Kasab and his gang had planted 10 such bombs at different places. If it is true, then police have not traced remaining 2 bombs. So 60 kgs of RDX can be used for anything. The Government has declared that thousands of people coming from Pakistan and Bangla Desh, to India to watch cricket match, have not yet returned to Pakistan and Bangla Desh. No attempts have been made to find them and send them back to their countries.

3. Who can be believed to prevent likely attack on India ?

If there is a plan to attack India after Iraq, how dearly would it cost to India ? Our soldiers are ever ready for protecting our country; but if their sacrifice is trampled, why will anyone sacrifice life for this country ? Congressmen have started to grab reserved plots, flats, petrol pumps meant for families of martyr soldiers. One memorial of martyrs was kicked by an anti-national Muslim and its pictures were circulated all over the world. R. R. Patil immediately spat that the said anti-national Muslims would not be arrested till the month of Ramzan got over. One may, therefore, wonder whether Maharashtra is ruled by law or by Islam. Kicking memorial of martyrs is not an act done in hurry. It was an attempt to show that they did not believe in Indian law, power and democracy. Anti-national Muslims attacking police at Azad Maidan, is not an act done without thinking. Anti-national Muslims molested lady police which was an attempt to show that although they were in uniform, as per Islam, they were meant to be enjoyed as they were kafirs. If there are shameless and spineless persons in power who are against existing judicial system and against Constitution of this country and who decide against arresting anti-national Muslims till Ramzan although their loyalty is towards Pakistan, who would prevent likely attack on this country?

4. Milestone on the path towards third World War !

‘Hindu Swarajya’ : There is a book written by Balraj Madhok, titled ‘Agaami Kaalaatil Vaastav (Truth in coming period )’ where he has given hundreds of examples to prove that Islam is not a religion but it is a political movement that wants to win whole world. Even during freedom fight of India, there were few fake ‘Mahatmas’ who were in a hurry to thrust power of Turkish Khalifas over India. Every Muslim is, thus trying for past hundreds of years; to bring Khalifa’s rule over the world. All of us are aware that world politics revolves around oil-rich countries and such countries are under influence of Islam; therefore, in future, if Iraq like situation is created in India, these countries would not be able to show guts to extend support to India. It will put India on one side and China and Pakistan will not lose such opportunity to grab parts of India. If war is wedged to retaliate, all Islamic countries would come together; leading to third World War. In today’s nuclear age, one can think of the after- effect of third World war; but the incident which took place in Iraq, is going to be a milestone on the path going towards third World War.

– Shri. Vikram Bhave, Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad, Mumbai

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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