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Now is the time to develop friendship with Israel !

Shravan Shuklapaksha 12, Kaliyug Varsha 5116

Shri. Arun Ramteerthkar

Shri. Arun Ramteerthkar

Israel faced severe problems; few of which are similar and faced by our country; but Israel has solved them within no time and for this, we need to have friendly relations with Israel. Modi Government should not bother if friendship with Israel results in estranging us from Muslims as that vote-bank has now gone into liquidation. This is the time to bring ‘Achhe Din (good days)’ even in our foreign policies !

Indian rulers extend support to warring Arabs !

In 1950, country of Israel was established with the initiative of United Nations. Right from the first President of Israel, Ben-Gurion to the present Chief of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, extended hand of friendship to India; but we did not establish even political relations with Israel all these years; not to talk about friendship ! Since the first war fought between Israel and Arabs in 1967, we have been supporting Arab countries without even verifying who was right and who was wrong. In fact, 14 Arab countries had attacked Israel giving slogans like ‘Crush Israel !’ In this war, Israel captured ‘Golan Heights’ from Syria; Sinai Peninsula and West Bank of Jordan River from Jordan; so also whole Gaza Strip which was a big victory. War was started by Arabs and still we sided with them. The first terrorist in the world was Yasser Arafat. We always treated Arafat who hijacked a plane; killed Jew sportsmen intruding in Munich Olympics, as a saintly, virtuous person.

Congress siding with Arab countries with an eye on Muslim vote-bank !  

Some may feel that we sided with Arabs because we were buying petrol from them; but it is not so. It was a part of appeasement of Muslims by Congress. Congress was scared that they would lose Muslim vote-bank if we supported Israel. Now, Hindu vote-bank has grown ten times. Modi Government has come into power with absolute majority based on election manifesto of construction of Ram-Mandir at Ayodhya; passing of Common Civil Rights Act; cancellation of article 370 etc. It was a manifesto which openly considered Hindus’ interests; therefore, such large majority could be obtained; so, if we develop close relations with Israel, what is wrong with that ?  There is no need to have fear about losing votes which were neither obtained earlier; nor obtained even now.

Israel gives apt reply to enemy !  

Policy earlier followed by Congress still continues. On 16th July, Parliamentary session in Upper House was adjourned twice during the day and for the remaining day after 3.00 p.m. The stand taken by BJP was really very satisfying. The struggle is going on for 15 days after killing of 3 Israeli citizens. Israel retaliated by bombing Palestine and Gaza strip to take revenge of those killings which resulted in loss of life of 200 people. 'If you kill our 3 persons, we kill your 200', is the policy of Israel. The appeal made by General Secretary of United Nations named Ban Ki-moon for maintaining peace, was immediately thrown into dust-bin by Israel. It, however, accepted peace treaty put forth by Egypt on 14th July. Hamas is a terrorist organization based in Palestine and is responsible for every mischief played with Israel. Israel accepted Egypt’s proposal because Egypt is the first Arabian country which had peace –treaty with Israel. One soldier immediately murdered Egypt’s then President Anwar Sadat for the same. Israel accepted Egypt’s peace – proposal only for this reason.

Wave of love for Muslims !   

Israel re-started attacks from 15th July as Hamas dismissed the peace-proposal; when Congress was suddenly overwhelmed with wave of love for Muslims. Proposal to discuss Israel’s attacks was given in both the Houses. The Government decided not to have discussions as the subject was sensitive. It was an appropriate stand taken by the Government. Congress had to bow in ‘Loksabha’ as it has negligible members in this House; but in Upper House, Congress has 80 members and they compelled to stop day’s work in the House. Congress considered Palestinian problem was more important than our own railway budget. The Government has, however, taken a stand that Israel and Palestine, both are our friends. It was the first time that we got to hear that Israel is our friend. It is necessary to develop this friendship in all fields especially in the field of armed forces.      

India needs to have close relations with Israel !  

It is not possible for us presently, to go to Pakistan and nab or eliminate Dawood Ibrahim and Hafiz Saeed; who have been given refuge by that country. Look at Israel ! Eichmann, a Nazi officer, who killed thousands of Jews during 1935 to 1943, vanished after defeat of Germany. It took Israel 25 years to find him and bring him to Israel although he was quite old by that time. Case was filed against him and he was punished. Palestinian terrorists hijacked a plane of Israel with Jew passengers. It was taken to Entebbe airport, Uganda. Idi Amin, the President of Uganda was a supporter of terrorists; still Israel safely rescued all passengers by killing all terrorists. It is a very thrilling history. We need to develop close relations with Israel for this.   

Let ‘Achhe Din (Good Days)’ percolate even in Government’s foreign policy !

Israel is all sand and salt-water of Sea; but without making hue and cry about the situation, it has developed progressive farming system by converting salt water of sea into sweet water. Like army, we will be benefited by even this technique in agriculture. We created a mess of our national language by branding ‘Sanskrit’ as a dead language; although there are thousands of people who knew this language and there are 16 languages recognized in this country. In Israel, there were people, who spoke 100 different languages and it was very difficult to bring them together; but they adopted 'Hebrew', the original language of that country as national language when there were only 4 persons knowing this language in Israel at that time. All problems faced by this country have been faced by Israel too and they have solved them within no time and for this, we need to be friends with Israel.    

Problems, faced by our country even today, have been faced by Israel too but it has managed to solve them within no time; therefore, we need to be friends with Israel. Modi Government need not worry about hurting Muslims by being friends with Israel as that vote bank has been now liquidated. This is the time to bring ‘Achhe Din’ even in our foreign policies !

-Shri. Arun Ramteerthakar, Senior Journalist

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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