After over two months, all the accused in Usthi Riot on 29/01/215 have been given bail on April 7, 2015. Honb’le ADJ, Smt. Anjali Sinha granted the bail of both parties in cases related to Petition No. 210/2015 and related cases out of FIR 60/2015 of DH PS and FIR 64 & 65/2015 of Usthi PS.
During this period over two months, the Bhavani Sena, Hindu Existence Forum and Sangha Parivar jointly monitored the case, helped Hindu victimized families.
The culpable people as given in FIR copy were the mastermind to lead the Usthi Riot as alleged. The situation of Usthi was vitiated through a gross attack on Hindus by his gang of jihadi culprits. More than 50 Hindu shops were looted and put on fire on 29th Januray 2015. Hindus also retaliated as far as possible.
We must give thanks and express our gratitude to Adv. Shankar Narayan Manna and his team, all the senior advocates stood for our case and our advocate friends who helped us immensely to access the bail.
The braveheart Hindus put in jail will be freed in sometime and they will fight for the Hindu cause certainly. We convey our gratitude all the Hindu families took burden and trouble for those arrests.
Upananda Brahmachari of Hindu Existence Forum has conveyed his thanks and gratitude to everybody concerned.
Reference : From Source