Pune: About a year back, few Sanatan seekers observed that there was a picture of Goddess Lakshmi on the cover of chikki packets sold at the bus stand at Swargate in Pune. People were throwing the empty packets on the road. As a result, the covers with picture of Sree Lakshmi were getting trampled. The seekers tried to make the vendors aware about the denigration when Shri. Nikhil Mahabaleshwarkar, Shri. Jitendra Bhattad and Shri. Umesh Zodage, seekers of Sanatan Sanstha were given the contact number of Shri. Mahavir Shetty, the manufacturer of chikki, by the vendor. Shri Mahabaleshwarkar and Shri. Bhattad called up Shri. Shetty and told him that denigration of Sree Lakshmi Devi has hurt their feelings and they registered their protest. They also explained to him about denigration. Shri. Shetty immediately apologized. Shri. Shetty had once come to Swargate bus stand and seekers, Shri. Mahabaleshwarkar and Shri. Sunil Ghanavat had made him aware about denigration of Sree Lakshmi. Shri. Shetty had assured them that once the stock of 3 lac covers with Sree Lakshmi Devi’s picture gets exhausted, he would change the picture on cover. It has now been observed that the picture of Sree Lakshmi on the cover of chikki packets has been replaced with picture of a boy. Sanatan seekers have been successful in stopping denigration of Sree Lakshmi Devi.
(Congratulation Sanatan seekers for stopping denigration of Goddess Shri Lakshmi! All hindus should learn from these seekers. – Editor)
Sorce: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’
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