Mumbai: In the issue dated 16th May 2007 of English daily ‘Times of India (TOI)’, an advertisement was published with pictures of Bhagavan Sree Krushna and Gopika. On publishing news in the Marathi daily ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’, about denigration of deities in the said advertisement, Sree Rajvilochan Das, the Chief of ‘Hare Rama Hare Krushna (HRHK)’ mutt and Sree Shyamaprasad Das, a seeker of HRHK Sect lodged a complaint against TOI at police station in CBD Belapur.
It has been mentioned in their complaint, “It is disgusting to see Gopi and Sree Krushna being used for the purpose of sending indecent short messages among the youth. This has hurt our feelings. Police should take note of the complaint and immediately arrest editor of TOI”. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has also lodged a complaint in this regard.
(Congratulations to HRHK Sect for protesting against denigration of Lord Sree Krushna. – Editor)
Main Story: HJS protest the denigration of Lord Krushna by TOI
Related HJS Section
Defamation: Abuse on Hinduism
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