The website ‘Orkut’ of ‘Google’ company has published pictures of Lord Rama, worshipped by all Hindus and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Founder of Hindavi Swaraj. Both the pictures indicate perverse mentality of the ‘community’ started on the website as the denigration has been done by stooping to a very low level. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has therefore, warned the website to immediately withdraw all such ‘communities’ or else the Government will be responsible for the consequences. HJS has support of many Hindu organizations in this regard.
People writing in such deprecating language about Lord Rama and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj cannot be so ignorant that they are not aware of the supremacy of the two revered personalities. It therefore, indicates a deliberate malevolence on the part of the ‘community’. All ardent Hindus have condemned the ‘community’, matter published on the website and have demanded immediate ban on the website.
The picture of Shivaji Community is changed now!