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Pune : Decision to slaughter cattle on Bakri Eid is illegal ! – Milind Ekbote

Ashwin Shulapaksha Chaturthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5116

Establish Hindu Rashtra for giving stringent punishment to slaughterers of cows and cattle !

Strong demand by ‘Gou-rakshaks (protectors of cows)’ for immediate cancellation of permission to slaughter bulls

 From left, Shri. Nilesh Bairat, Shri. Chandrashekhar Shinde, Shri. Milind Ekbote, Shri. Pruthviraj Bothra, Shri. Sanjay Pande
From left, Shri. Nilesh Bairat, Shri. Chandrashekhar Shinde, Shri. Milind Ekbote, Shri. Pruthviraj Bothra, Shri. Sanjay Pande

Pune – There is ban on slaughtering of cattle under clause 6 of Animal Protection Act; animals which are fit to be used for farming, reproduction and carrying things should not be slaughtered. It has been clearly mentioned in the said clause that slaughtering of cows/ cattle will not be done irrespective of any custom and tradition. Even then, Animal Husbandry Department of Maharashtra Government has granted permission, this year, for slaughtering of additional 12,000 bulls on the occasion of Bakri Eid at Deonar Abattoir. The decision taken by the State Government is illegal and corrupt and it is a proof of fanaticism of Abdul Sattar, the Minister of Animal Husbandry. The Government should immediately cancel permission granted for slaughtering of cows. The above demand was made by Shri. Milind Ekbote, the President of ‘Akhil Bharateeya Krushi Gou-seva Sangh’, for Western Maharashtra in a press conference on 25th September. Shri. Pruthviraj Bothra, RSS guide, Shri. Sanjay Pande, Prsident of ‘Gou-rakshak Sena’, Nilesh Bairat, ‘Gou-rakshak’, and Shri. Chandrashekhar Shinde of ‘Lal Mahal Utsav Samiti’ were present on the occasion. (All Hindus should extend support to ‘Gou-rakshaks’ and force the State Government to withdraw its anti-Hindu decision ! Be alert during the period of Bakri Eid for protection of cows and hand over cow-slaughterers to police ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

It has been stated in the press release of ‘Akhil Bharateeya Krushi Gou-seva Sangh’ that …..

1. In 1979, the Central Government has formulated rules and regulations under ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960’ for transportation of animals. As per these rules, only 6 animals can be transported in a vehicle at a time; but taking cognizance of clause 83 of Vehicle Act of Maharashtra Transportation Department, permission is granted for illegal transportation of 16 to 17 animals in a vehicle. There is no provision for granting such permission in the relative clauses. There are guidelines for care to be taken of animals during transportation. The corrupt officers of State Transport Department, however, grant permission for illegal transportation and in a way, encourage cow-slaughter. (Make a list of such corrupt officers ! In Hindu Rashtra, if there are such corrupt officers, they will be asked to take care of cows as punishment ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

2. As per clause 13 of the said Act, ‘Gou-rakshaks’ should get protection; still police implicate them under false cases of theft, robbery etc.

3. As per the circular issued on 3rd May 2008, there are instruction to send such confiscated cattle to ‘Gou-shalas’ but police under pressure from butchers,  send such animals to places other than ‘Gou-shala’ where no care is taken of animals and police officers thus commit breach of Home Ministry’s orders.

4. It also understood that income out of slaughter-houses is used for supporting anti-national terrorists.

5. Every year, 15 days before Bakri Eid, the Government issues a notification instructing police regarding care to be taken on the occasion of Bakri Eid in the context of illegal slaughtering and illegal transportation of animals; but this year, such notification has not yet been issued.

6. The Government should take immediate action to prevent animal-slaughtering and stop RTOs from granting any permission.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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