25000 visit FACT exhibition in Siddhivinayak temple


Mumbai (Maharashtra): Photo-exhibition on the grave truth of terrorism in Kashmir held at Dombivali and Sree Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai concluded today. It was extended by a day. Even on the last day of the exhibition, there was tremendous response from people.

HJS member explaning the exhibition to Visitor

HJS member explaning the exhibition to Visitor

Many visitors offered to join the movement and felt that the exhibition needs to be held in every part of the country. This will create awareness among Hindus towards their Dharma.
In Mumbai, 25,000 people and in Dombivali, 2000 people paid a visit to the exhibition. The exhibition has become an effective medium to make people aware of terrorists’ activites all over the country. Many people expressed their wish to join HJS and participate in its activities.


7000+ visited FACT photo-exhibition in Siddhivinayak temple

July 15, 2007

HJS members explaning point to Visitors

HJS members explaning point to Visitors

Mumbai (Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has organized an exhibition of photographs on atrocities on Hindus in Kashmir and Bangladesh in the famous Sree Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. On the third day, more than 7000 people visited the exhibition. Being Saturday, a holiday, many devotees visited the temple and the exhibition since morning. People coming to the temple from various parts visited the exhibition. Among them, there were two persons from Jammu and Kashmir. One of them Dr. Kaur said, with tears in his eyes, that HJS was doing a great job. Another person hailing from Nerul, Navi Mumbai said that through the exhibition, people are coming to know the real situation in Kashmir. He also offered to help in whatever way he could for the cause. People felt that such exhibitions should be held in every part of the country so that people become aware. One person offered to sacrifice everything for revival of Hindu culture.   

There is no alternative to Revolution

Be ready to fight Muslims demanding a ban on holding exhibitions like FACT or put up banners as it would affect relations between Hindus and Muslims, (if they kill ‘kafirs’, Hindu-Muslim relations are, however, not affected) Hindus must be ready to fight even against anti-Hindu Congress Government as it is objecting to hold exhibition on the pretext of causing unrest in society.


HJS has organized a meeting on 21st July 2007 at Shri. Gawand Maruti Mandir on ‘Nation and Dharma’ and has appealed to all devout Hindus to attend the same.

Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’   

Terror in all its forms

July 15, 2007

Exhibition News in Afternon newspaper

Terrorism has certainly been in the news lately, with the first anniversary of the bomb blasts having been comemorated just a few days ago. Memories of the tragic incident have been revived in the minds of Bombayites. While the topic is at the forefront of debates and discussions, one organisation in particular is taking this opportunity to raise more awareness about terrorism.The Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) has organised photography exhibitions all over the country and has finally come to Bombay to display works on terrorism.

The exhibition, organised at the Shree Siddhivinayak Temple at Prabhadevi, depicts a  picture of Hindu genocide in Kashmir and Bangladesh. Terrorists in Kashmir and Bangladesh have been committing horrible atrocities over the past several years on minority Hindus residing there. To make people aware of these atrocities and to help them in making themselves more secure, the HJS has displayed graphic photographs and even public service messages at the exhibition.

Says S.G. Vatkar of the HJS, "Terrorism seeks to destroy not only people and property,but the culture and heritage of our country as well. We are trying to raise awareness and make people more alert about terrorism. Only if we all unite can we change the situation." When asked why the venue of the exhibition was chosen to be Shree Siddhivinayak Temple, Vatkar says, "Terrorists have been targeting places of worship since a very long time, in order to shake the faith of people and to destroy our heritage structures that are centuries old. We think that Siddhivinayak Temple is the most appropriate place to hold this exhibition of photographs, because people who go to the temple need to be more alert about their surroundings."

The exhibition has been created by the Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism (FACT), an international organisation founded by French journalist Francois Gautier. Says Vatkar, "These atrocities are taking place in our country against our citizens, and it is still foreigners who are organising these exhibitions for us. Our government should take up more initiative to raise awareness about issues like terrorism." The exhibition is free of charge. 



Very good response to FACT’s exhibition on the Second Day

July 13, 2007

Visitors and Police curiously watching the FACT exhibition

Visitors and Police curiously watching the FACT exhibition

Mumbai (Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has organized an exhibition of heart-rending photographs on atrocities on Hindus in Kashmir and Bangla Desh in the famous Sree Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. The response from people on the second day of the exhibition was encouraging. Many visitors expressed their wish to hold such exhibition in other places.
Devotees visiting the exhibition were very much disturbed to see the photographs and were giving their reactions in writing. All the photographs displayed in the exhibition have been made available by the organization called FACT (Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism). Mrs. Gayatri Chaudhary, the Coordinator of FACT for Western Zone visited the exhibition today and was pleased to see the response from people. She said that such exhibitions should have been organized long back; but it is being done now. She informed that an exhibition will be held on ‘Aurangzeb’ in Pune in the month of September 2007 and suggested that HJS can join in holding the photo-exhibition at that time. Shri. Rajan Vichare, ex-Mayor of Thane Municipal Corporation later paid a visit to the exhibition and expressed his opinion that just watching the exhibition is not enough and now we have to support with action and offered to help.
Members of HJS were guiding devotees coming out after ‘darshan’ to the exhibition in which even a member of security also joined. People were expressing their views on visiting the exhibition that it was motivating them to do something for Dharma.

Exhibition on Terrorism in Siddhivinayak temple

July 12, 2007

Mumbai (Maharashtra): For the past number of years, Hindus in Kashmir and Bangladesh is being severely oppressed. As a result, Hindus have become minority in Kashmir and their very existence is in danger. Kashmiri Hindus have had to leave everything behind and go to refugee camps where they are living for the last 17 years. The situation is similar in Bangladesh. Population of Hindus that was 28% at the time of Bangladesh got its independence has now come down to 8%.

Visitor submiting his view about exhibition

Visitor submiting his view about exhibition

Terrorism is spreading all over the country and even Mumbai has suffered at the hands of terrorists. It is therefore, necessary to create awareness among people so also unite them. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been making efforts in this direction and organizing a photo-exhibition compiled by a French journalist Mr. Francis Goutier under an international organization called ‘Foundation against Continuing Terrorism (FACT)’. The exhibition has been held in many countries like England, Poland, and USA etc. 
HJS has so far conducted this exhibition at 30 places in the States of Gao, Maharashtra and Karnataka and 45,000 people have visited the exhibition. First such exhibition is being held in Mumbai at Sree Siddhivinayak temple between 12 and 14th July 2007 from 10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. There is no entrance fee for visiting the exhibition.

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> Hindu Genocide in Kashmir

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