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United States : HJS asks TBS channel to apologize for denigrating Deity Kali

Kartik Krushnapaksha Saptami, Kaliyug Varsha 5116

On October 27, 2014, TBS, a TV channel in the US, aired “Conan”, a show in which Hindus’ revered Deity Kali, was blatantly denigrated. In the segment called ‘Time bone’ Conan O’Brien, the host of the show, showed a picture of the Deity Kali, mentioning Her name in the list of historic figures with whom a so-called ‘Time bone’ machine could be used to have sex.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), a noted Hindu organization from India, received complaints from Hindus about the show, following which the organization wrote to TBS, denouncing the denigration of the Deity Kali. The letter said that Hindus worship Goddess Kali, hence to make jokes about Her is not in good taste, disrespectful, insulting and amounts to denigration. HJS has asked Conan O’Brien and TBS to issue a public apology for this denigration and to remove this episode from their website immediately.

It was HJS’ hope that in the future, TBS shows sensitivity to religious sentiments and refrains from featuring such jokes. However, HJS has not received a response from Conan O’Brien or TBS.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is a registered NGO in India, doing social, Hindu Dharma related and national welfare work. The Samiti is also active throughout the world, educating people about Hindu Dharma in a scientific way, campaigning against malpractices done as Hindu Dharma related practices and resolving problems related to misrepresentation of Hindu Dharma.

Conan is a late-night talk show airing each Monday through Thursday on TBS in the United States. The hour-long show is hosted by writer, comedian and performer Conan O’Brien.

There are approximately 3 million Hindus in USA.

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