The importance of Devanagri.

Oscar is giving awards for the last 78 years, but no Hindi film has ever won any international award. During the 78 years history of Oscar Awards, only 3 Hindi movies were nominated but no movie has won any award so far. The three movies during the last 78 years, nominated for Oscar awards were Mother India, Gandhi, and Lagaan. Not even any Hindi film has ever been selected for any other international awards like Genies Awards.

Usually the films which win international awards have some message for the public. Hindi films do not give any message either to Bharatiya community or to the world. If at all there is any message the Hindi films give, is that let Bharat, its culture, languages, civilization go to hell, just pay attention to having good time and making money by serving garbage to the masses.

No Bharatiya culture or anything associated with Bharat is shown in Hindi films.

In all Hindi films, lots of men are shown showing doing dance on the roads, which gives impression as if Bharat is a nation of Hijdas or male prostitute. No body is ever shown doing any productive work.

There is a norm in the world that a film gives cast in the language in which it is made, but Hindi film is the only exception in the world. Film is in Hindi but cast is in English. What is the point giving cast in English? If people are going to see a Hindi movie, then Hindi film views would not turn off by just looking Hindi words written in Devanagri script. By giving cast of Hindi films in English, film industry is giving message to the world that Bharat is still a slave nation and there is no Bharatiya language good enough, developed and mature to express Bharat and its culture in any Bharatiya languages.

Hindi films completely ignoring Devanagri

Devanagri script is one the most perfect and scientific script in the world. Even then Devanagri script is completely ignored by Hindi media and commercial people.

In this context, I quote a few lines from Ripley’s Believe it or Not:

“Devanagri used in Bharat is the most perfect alphabet in the world. Its 52 letters and 18 letters-combinations include every sound human lips can produce — yet a word spelled in Devanagiri can not be mispronounced.”

There are other qualities of the Devanagri alphabet that entitle it to be described as the most scientific alphabet possible. Thus in the Roman you have a, b, c, d, etc. —absolutely no reason why they should be arranged in this order. In the Arabic alphabet you have Alif, bey, gim, pay, te, etc.; in Greek – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta etc. One will find that there is not any sequence in this arrangement at all.

By contrast in the Devanagri alphabet you have all the vowels placed at the beginning. We shall notice that the vowels are pronounced from the throat. Then come the consonants, ka varga the five letters beginning with ka are all again pronounced from the throat. Then comes the Cha varga, they are pronounced with the tongue being attached to the palate (talu), then comes the Ta varga – all five of the group are pronounced with the tongue attached to the murdha or the roof of the palate; the then Taa varga – they are pronounced with the tongue attached to the danta or teeth, then the Pa varga – the five letters beginning with Pa – they are Ostha Varna. The lips must be closed for pronouncing them. Throat, palate, roof of the palate, teeth and lips in sequence – what a wonderful scientific alphabet is this! And yet there are fool in Bharat who want to change to Roman script for Hindi and other Bharatiya languages for uniformity in the world.

By writing cast of Hindi film in English and commercial people also by ignoring Hindi on the labels of the commercial products, they are creating obstacles in spreading Hindi and these people also act against the national interest of Bharat. By giving cast of Hindi films in English and writing only English on the labels of the products, these people are spreading English only in Bharat.

Entertainment industry of Bharat has converted Hindi language into a Boli. This Boli is such that this type of Boli contains more Urdu and English words than Hindi words. If one to learn Hindi by watching Hindi films then he /she is under the wrong impression. By watching Hindi films one would pick few Urdu and English words than Hindi words.

Hindi media people completely ignore Hindi but make money on the name of Hindi.

These media help do not help in spreading Rastra Bhasha Hindi.

Nowadays even the name of Hindi movies is in English. More than 90% Hindi movies have English names nowadays. Some examples are: Retake, Neil n Nikki, Water, Bluff Master, Family, Bold, Home Delivery, Where is the Party Yaar, Fight Club etc.

Without a Rashtra Bhasha, there can’t be a nation. We are divided between so many parameters and don’t have anything which every Bharatiya can call his and hers. They are willing to make English as their national language but not Hindi. I just don’t understand why there is so much hatred against Hindi. They watch Hindi movies but when it comes to promoting the Hindi language, they always back-off. People who degrade their own language can never be expected to do any good thing for their country.
All the media and commercial people make use of Hindi for making money but they do not contribute to promote Hindi. I am fully convinced that the promotion of Hindi would do us and our children good.

A very serious Hindu situation in Bharat.

What Bharat got today is not Independence but lawlessness, sham constitution, over 50% illiteracy, and corrupt lawmakers. BHARAT MERA MAHAN. Film industry does not take up such topics.

Look at these Hindi media people, who claim to promote Bharatiya culture ‘exclusively’ through English language. These media people are not promoting any culture except promoting themselves for making fast money. These media people have no pride in Bharat.

The knowledge of the Hindi media people of the culturally important Bharatiya monuments begs belief and their grasp topics for ‘cultural promotion’ is dictated by their search for making quick money.

For Bharatiya people, these are the enemies of Bharat and Bhaaratiyataa.

Shame on Hindi film Industry

One wonders why Bollywood industry is known as Hindi films industry. Hindi films use more Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and English than Hindi words. Cast of Hind film is in English, while it is a norm in the world that a film carries the cast in the language in which it is made. Hindi film is the only exception in the world. Now days many films do not bother even to write the name of Hindi film in Hindi. Even no where Hindi is written on the covers of DVD, audio cassettes, even on posters of Hindi films.

All the people associated with Hindi film industry do not like even to speak in Hindi, although these people make films in so called Hindi (actually now a days it is more English / Urdu) films). In February 2006, a film festival took place in Germany. In this film festival, Yash Chopra was a member of Jury.

Germany broadcasts program in Hindi once a day for 45 minutes. Hindi of Radio German is just Chalu Hindi usually spoken by road Chaap, uneducated or less educated people but it is still known as Hindi program,

In its Hindi service, Radio German invited Yash Chopra for a talk. In this program Yash Chopra spoke only in English. He forgot that he was invited to Hindi program as he makes films which are called Hindi but contains more English.

Some time ago Shah Rukh was also invited by Radio German in its Hindi service. Shah Rukh Khan spoke very few words in Hindi, but mainly he spoke in English.

Why these English slave Hindi media people do not move to England and live there, or why they make films in Hindi if they are to promote English all the time?

Shame on people associated with Hindi film industry, who promotes English at every step rather than promoting Hindi. For Hindi film media, Hindi is just like a prostitute, all the Hindi media people live on the earning made through prostitute. Hindi media people are no more than Bhaduaas.

These bhaudaas not only get money by illegal methods, but spread English, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu in the world.

Hindi films must carry cast in Hindi

In the world there is a system that a film carries the cast in the language in which it is made, but Hindi film is the only exception in the world. Film is in Hindi but cast is in English.

Not only that even on the covers of DVD’s no where Hindi is written. AT one time it used to be written that language of film is Hindi. Now that section has been converted to Title of film. While name of film is written all around in English, in that section where word Hindi was written in English there is also name of film in English.

If some unknown person sees the DVD, he/she will think it is English film.

Nowadays there is more English, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu than Hindi in Hindi films. In the two most recent films Devkai and 15 – Park Ave. more English is spoken than Hindi.

Now a days many Americans also want to learn Hindi. If they never see how Hindi is written, then how they would learn Hindi?

One British girl whose father was from Uttar Pradesh wanted to learn Hindi. She saw more than Hundred Hindi films, but still cannot tell how Hindi is written. She just picked few Urdu words from Hindi films.

Are the Bharatiya people still slave people?

But Bharatiya people are still dhimmitude people.

A language can only spread if it is visible all around. By teaching Hindi in schools will play its part, but the main point is it must be seen all around.

Hindi can be seen all round if:-

Hindi films and TV programs give cast in Hindi

Commercial people write Hindi on at least 50% part of the labels

Sign boards are in Hindi

Leaflets and flyers are in Hindi

Hindi is written on the wrapping materials and packing boxes

Shop keepers put their signs in Hindi

Newspapers and magazines show that part of advertisement where Hindi is written

and some other such steps.

Hindi Language must be included in US schools curriculum, in all the schools of Bharat and in those countries where Bharatiya people live. There are many, many such schools in Bharat where Hindi is not taught.

Until some laws are made, no film producer will give cast of Hindi film in Hindi, commercial people would not write Hindi on the labels of their products.

Bharatiya government should make some laws which would force Hindi film producers to give cast of Hindi films in Hindi, write Hindi on the covers of the DVDs. Actors must speak pure Hindi in Hindi films free from English, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu languages.

Hindi is national language of Bharat. It is the duty of all ministers and government officers to promote and spread pure Hindi.

All ministers, Chief Ministers, members of parliament, members of assemblies must take some steps which would promote Hindi and make Hindi visible all around.

Hindi media people are slave people

All the Hindi media people bring Pakistanis on air in their Hindi services. For all Pakistani journalists even Urdu is Hindi language. No Pakistani journalist can speak Hindi.

On the top of that, when Hindi journalist start asking questions from Pakistani journalists, they start speaking Urdu in stead of Hindi in their Hindi service. If Pakistani journalists are speaking in Hindi programs, even then they should be able to understand Hindi. Hindi journalists pay more attention to the Urdu knowledge of Pakistani journalists than keeping in mind the Hindi listeners. They forget that they have more than million Hindi listeners, and many Hindi listeners would not understand the spoken Urdu by Hindi journalists and Pakistani journalists. The Hindi journalists keep in mind Pakistani journalists than the Hindi listeners, who may not understand their spoken Urdu. Hindi journalists spread more Urdu and make Urdu words more popular than Hindi words.

But all Hindi journalists are slave people and have dimwitted views.

When they talk to their former colonial masters for Hindi service, then in stead talking in Hindi Bharatiya journalists start talking in Urdu or English as the case may be.

These slave Hindi journalist people spread mental slavery amongst Hindi listeners.

Media people must stop using URDU and English words for Hindi because we have our own rich vocabulary in Hindi then why should we use Urdu which is the national language of Pakistan and the Muslims adore it.

Hindi films do not spread Hindi by ignoring Hindi in the films. Looking at the amount of Urdu, Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, and English languages used in Hindi films, a Pakistani acquaintance remarked that Hindi films will destroy Hindi one day in near future due to putting so much filth in Hindi films. All Hindi film producers, actor/ actresses, and other people associated with Hindi film industry deserve death sentences for not giving proper messages to the public according to the vulture of Bharat and for not providing Hindi in Hindi films.

For winning any international award, just boy meet a girl or a girl meet a boy, or just by copying western world, or showing Bharat a nation of Hijdas or not showing any originality, Bharat will never get any international award.

For winning any international award, film industry will have to make films based on Bharatiya culture and showing the greatness of Bharatiya culture, civilization and languages. Media people still show still a sort of mentally slave nation of Bharatiya people. Slave people do not get respect; slave nations do not get recognization or awards.

Hindi films show mental slavery of Bharat from every respect. Hindi films Film has to show the independence of Bharat by completely abolishing English and Urdu from Hindi films and showing originality in its all films rather than copying western world in any respect what so ever.

We Bharatiya people are so unfortunate that we were kept away from Sanskrit and the Vedas, due to the western education systems we were following blindly, trying to copy anything and everything of western systems, which do not have much spiritual base. The Bharatiya media is also trying to spread western systems all the time. It is our duty to pass on our great heritage ("Paithrukam") to the next generation by all sorts of media.

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