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Review of ‘prasar’ activities undertaken by HJS in Vidarbha during September 2014

Kartik Krushnapaksha Ashtami, kaliyug Varsha 5116

1. Amravati District

1. A. Withdrawal of post denigrating Deities : One college student had posted a matter on ‘Facebook’ denigrating Deities; against which other students tried to create awareness in him. On the following day, he withdrew the post.

1. B. Awareness created on the occasion of 15th August : On 15th August, between 7.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m., boxes were kept to collect national flags. During this period, exhibition on revolutionaries was also put up which was visited by more than 150 people. 9 devout Hindus took part in this drive.

1. C. Rashtriya Hindu Andolan : On 16.8.2014, demonstrations were staged against insult of national flag and grants to madarasas. Ten devout Hindus took part in the demonstrations. It may be specifically mentioned that Sou. Usha Velankar, the city-Secretary of ‘All-India Sonia Brigade’ and H.B.P. Sanjay Maharaj Thakare saw these demonstrations and joined them.

Drive during Ganesh Festival

1. E. Guidance was given on celebration of Ganesh Festival in ideal manner with the initiation of police department at a police station in which representatives of 40 Ganesha Festival Committees took part.

1. F. About 100 posters giving information on ‘Ganesha-puja’ and festival were displayed and 400 handbills were distributed.

1. G. Awareness created regarding love jihad

1. G. i. Lecture organized on love jihad; former MP and speaker appealing attendees to subscribe to ‘Sanatan Prabhat’: On 5.9.2014, ‘Shaktishali Ganesha Mandal’, Bhavaninagar organized a lecture by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti for propagation of its activities related to prevention of love jihad. Shri. Anantraoji Gudhe, former MP of Shiv Sena from Amaravati was one of the speakers of the program. Various topics like Hindu Dharma, ‘Present condition of women and love jihad’, need for establishment of Hindu Rashtra etc. were presented in this program. A book exhibition was also put up by HJS. Special feature of the program was that the former MP made appeal to attendees for subscribing to ‘Sanatan Prabhat’.

1. G. ii. District Collector, Shri. Kiran Gite was submitted representation regarding love jihad : On 17.9. 2014, a representation was submitted to the District Collector, Shri. Kiran Gite wherein demand was made to set up commission at the Central level for eradication of love jihad. Representatives of ‘Shri- Yoga Vedanta Samiti’, ‘Bajarang Dal’, ‘Sanatan Sanstha’ and HJS were present on the occasion. Related news was published by ‘Dainik Sakaal’, ‘Dainik Matrubhoomi’, ‘Dainik Vrutta-Kesari’ and RCN, a local news channel.

2. Vardha District

2. A. Efforts to stop love jihad

2. A.1. Staged agitation for bringing forth the gravity of love jihad with the help of other organizations: On 14.9.2014, demonstrations were held to create awareness amongst people about attack on Dharma through the medium of love jihad and demanding stringent action by Government against the same. 75 devout Hindus took part in the agitation; including members of ‘Bharateeya Vidyarthi Parishad’, ‘Rashtra Sevika Samiti’, ‘Bharateeya Janata Yuva Morcha’, ‘Yoga Vedanta Samiti’ and ‘all-India Vidyarthi Parishad’.

2. A. 2. Representation to District Collector: On 15.9.2014, representation was submitted to the District Collector for prevention of love jihad when 11 devout Hindus were present.

2. B. Prevention of malpractices taking place during Ganesha Festival: Students of Daulat Singh Vidyalay and Vikas Vidyalay were given guidance on wrong methods followed in celebration of Ganesha Festival. News about the guidance was published by ‘Dainik Lokmat’ and ‘Dainik Tarun Bharat’.

2. C. Prevent denigration of Deities: On 9.9.2015, a representation was submitted by HJS to District Collector, Shri. Navin N Sona for prevention of denigration of Deities’ pictures taking place through crackers.

2. D. Prevention of wrong practices followed in celebrating Navaratri Fetsival : On 17.9.2014, a lecture was organized for women on prevention of wrong practices followed during Navaratri festival and preserving sanctity of the festival. The lecture was given by Sou. Gauri Chaudhary.

2. E. Devout active reader Shri. Harish Gandhi : Shri. Gandhi is a subscriber/ reader of monthly Sanatan Prabhat. He sends 100 sms under ‘Jago Hindu’ drive.

3. Yavatmal District

3. A. Efforts to stop love jihad

3. A.1. Successful agitation with participation of many pro-Hindu organizations for creating awareness towards love jihad: On 14.9.2014, demonstrations were staged to create awareness amongst people towards attacks on Dharma through the medium of love jihad and demanding severe action by Government against the same. Hundred devout Hindus took part in the demonstrations including members of VHP, Bajarang Dal, ‘Bhrashtachar Jana-andolan Samiti’, ‘Patanjali Yoga-Peetha’, ‘Adhyatmik Manch’, ‘Jagatguru Shankaracharya Samiti’, RSS, Sanatan Sanstha, HJS and city-Chief of BJP.

3. A.2. Devout Hindus who make sincere efforts for getting sponsorship for special issue on love jihad

 a. Karanja : 4 devout Hindus from ‘Dharma-shikshan’ class, sponsored 2500 special issues

b. Pusad : seven devout Hindus from ‘Dharma-shikshan’ class sponsored 3700 special issues

c.  Daravha : 3 local devout Hindus sponsored 1900 special issues

d. Digras : 4 devout Hindus from ‘Dharma-shikshan’ classes, sponsored 2100 copies of special issue      

All these devout Hindus also helped in different ‘seva’ like making bundles of 10, 200 copies of special issue as per the demand, delivery of the issues and settling account before sending to district.

3. A.3. ‘Bhagavatacharya’ H.B.P (Sou.) Rohini Paranjape presenting the topic of love jihad : At Pusad, ‘Bhagavat-Saptaah’ was held at Shri. Gajanan Maharaj Temple. HJS members met ‘Bhagavatacharya’ H.B.P. (Sou.) Rohini Paranjape from Pune and gave her a copy of special issue on love jihad. On the following day, she presented the topic in a program attended by 800 devotees.

3. A. 4. Commendable efforts by a ‘Mandal’ : One ‘Durga Festival Mandal’ scanned the special issue on love jihad and made a poster out of it which was displayed outside throughout the festival. This helped to spread the subject.

3. B. Prevention of malpractices in celebration of Navaratri festival

3. B.1. Organizing lecture : Sou. Jirapure, a reader of ‘Sanatan Prabhat’  gathered women from her area in Shri. Muralidhar temple at Karanja (Datta), Dist. Vashim; where a seeker explained about wrong things happening during celebration of Navaratri festival.

3. C. ‘Dharma-jagruti’ activities at Umarkhed

3. C. 1. Members of several organizations and devout Hindus come together to arrange guidance by HJS : Members of many organizations and devout Hindus came together to know about activities of HJS regarding establishment of Hindu Rashtra and organized guidance by HJS on the topic of ‘Attack on Dharma and solutions’ and ‘Establishment of Hindu Rashtra’ on 19.9.2014 at Mahatma Sri Basaveshwar Sansthan, Shivaji Ward.

3. C. 2. Shri. Prakash Arya, taking initiative in spreading HJS activities : Shri. Prakash Arya came in contact with HJS through its website. He took initiative, gathered his members and arranged a program. Lot of closeness was felt in him towards HJS activities and its members. He subscribed to 50 copies of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’. He asked HJS members only to send issues; assuring to manage distribution and collecting subscription.

3. C. 3. Distribution of special issues: 250 copies of special issue on love jihad were distributed during the program.

3. C.4. Spontaneous act reg. Sanatan Panchang : Shri. Lakshmikant Maeend bought 50 Panchangs and informed that he was going to distribute them. He also said that he would place order for more Panchangs.

3. C. 5. Ideal Navaratri Festival Drive : On the occasion of Navaratri Festival, visited 47 festival committees, put up 5 posters and distributed 2000 handbills. Exhibition of ‘Dharma-shikshan’ boards, ‘Gou-rakshan’ and books were also organized at some places.

4. Akola District

4.  A.  Devout Hindus’ participation in special issue of love jihad: Devout Hindus distributed 8000 copies of special issue on love jihad and devout Hindus attending Dharma-shiskahn classes also sponsored 3500 copies of special issue.

4. B. Active participation of devout Hindus in Navaratri festival

4. B.1. Devout Hindus from Dharmahsikshan classes distributed 1000 handbills; visited 4 festival committees and put up 50 posters.

 4. B.2. One festival committee got printed 7 display boards and displayed them for all 9 days. Book exhibition, exhibition on life history of revolutionaries and that of ‘Dharma-shiskhan’ boards were also held.

 –          Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar, HJS, Akola

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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