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Odisha and MP : Report of HJS’ Dharmaprasar activities in September 2014

Kartik Krushnapaksha Saptami, Kaliyug varsha 5116

Dharmaprasar’ activities undertaken by HJS in September 2014 in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh (MP)

 ‘Dharmaprasar’ activities in Odisha

1. Devout Hindus from Rourkela, Birmitrapur and Bhuvaneshwar sponsored 2000 copies of special October issue of ‘Sanatan Prabhat (Hindi monthly)’ on ‘love jihad’. These issues were distributed amongst people during October 2014.

2. Guidance on different topics

2. a. Guidance on ‘Gou-rakshan’, ‘love jihad’ and conversion in VHP’s meeting, by HJS: On 11th September 2014 at Birmitrapur, there was a meeting of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in which Shri. Shriram Kane expressed views on topics like ‘protection of cows, love jihad and conversion’. About 55 people including office bearers of VHP and devout Hindus attended the meeting.

2. b. Guidance on love jihad by HJS in program of Hindu Sena held every Sunday : In August 2014, an incident related to love jihad occurred at Birmitrapur. The local alert devout Hindus got together and set up ‘Hindu Sena’ so as to avoid recurrence of such incidents in future. Every Sunday, a program is held by Hindu Sena in which ‘Hanuman Chaalisa’ is recited and guidance on some topic through pro-Hindu organization is arranged. On 14th September, Shri. Shriram Kane of HJS spoke about love jihad explaining the topic with the help of VCD. The program was attended by about 100 devout Hindus.

2. c. Guidance held on ‘Importance of Dharmacharan’ : A ‘satsang’ was held on 14th September at Taraga in which Shri. Shriram Kane of HJS gave guidance on the topic of ‘Importance of ‘Dharmacharan (abiding by Dharma)’. The program was attended by about 200 men and women.

2. d. Guidance on ‘Protection of nation and Dharma’ by HJS during Dharmajagruti Sabha organized by VHP : On 21st September, VHP held a meeting at Taraga for local people and from surrounding areas; and arranged guidance of Shri. Prakash Malondkar and Shri. Shriram Kane of ‘Dharmajagruti Sabha’. They expressed views on the topic of ‘Protection of nation and Dharma’. The program was attended by about 350 devout Hindu men and women. An exhibition of books was also arranged at the venue. Response of devout Hindus attending the program, to the book-exhibition although coming mainly from rural areas, was quite encouraging as many of them bought spiritual books.

2. e. Guidance held in program held by Marwadi community to commemorate birth anniversary of Agrasen Maharaj : Marwadi community celebrated birth anniversary of Agrasen Maharaj at Birmitrapur. In this program, Shri. Shriram Kane presented the topic of ‘Dharmacharan’ before audience of about 200 people from Marwadi community.

3. Guidance on celebration of Navaratri festival in ‘sattvik’ manner

At Birmitrapur and Rourkela, 4 Navaratri Festival Committees were visited; giving guidance on ‘sattvik’ method of celebrating Navaratri Festival.

-Shri. Prakash Malondkar , Odisha


‘Dharmaprasar’ activities in MP

1. Exhibition of ‘flex’ boards on ‘Gou-rakahsa’: On 22nd September 2014, ‘Seetaram Seva Samiti’ from Rau village arranged an exhibition of HJS’ flex boards on protection of cows.

2. Comendable participation by pro-Hindu activists and devout Hindus in creating awareness towards ‘love jihad’ : Many pro-Hindu activists asked members of HJS to give guidance on ‘love jihad’ during September 2014. It was, therefore, decided to publish a special issue of ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ on love jihad for October 2014. Response received from ‘Hindutva-wadis’ and devout Hindus was good. Readers of ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ and ‘Hindutva-wadis’ from Indore, Bhopal, Hoshangabad, Jabalpur, Shujalpur, Khurai, Reeva and Ujjain sponsored special issues of ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ on love jihad and distributed them amongst people.  

3. Shri. Nirmalkumar Gupta, a ‘jidnyasu’ from Indore was explained about ‘Shraadha’. He bought 10 books on the topic for distribution. Earlier, he had distributed books on Deity ‘Datta’.

4. On 28.9.2014, Shri. Rathod, a devout Hindu gave an opportunity to HJS members for presenting any topic during ‘Navaratri’ program held at ‘Badwani Plaza’ Hall. Flex board on love jihad was also displayed at the venue.

-Shri. Gajanan Keskar and Shri. Yogesh Vhanmare, HJS Coordinators , MP

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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