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Invasion of English language on swamping Hindi language !

Kartik Krushnapaksha Ekadashi, Kaliyug Varsh 5116

 1.Lack of imbibing patriotic values has led to a situation that even after the British left India, we are still ruled by English! :A person from any state in India cannot speak fluently in his mother tongue; because there is no motivation and persuasiveness for imbibing nationalist spirit. German & Russian leaders when traveling abroad communicate in their language only. India’s calculations seems to have gone because of not imbibing nationalistic values.’ – Marc Tully, Reporter, British Broadcasting Corporation.

 2.Political leaders communicating in English instead of Hindi while traveling to foreign nations! : Indian politicians also when traveling abroad instead of speaking in Hindi, pride-lessly communicate in English. Political leaders from Germany, France, China, Japan etc. always communicate in their own language while engaging with other nation’s leaders. They take help of the interpreter, but don’t speak in English.    

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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