This play was formerly presented by Late Machchindra Kambli. It is full of abuses to Hindu Gods. It has a scene where Tatya sarpanch performs rituals not with divine mantras but with abusive and vulgar words. Arjun and Sree Krishna are denigrated to the lowest level. HJS had protested against this play for more than a 100 times. Almost every show of this play is still facing protest from HJS outside tha gates of theatre. Political influence is being used to continue his Anti-Hindu drama.
The objectionable dialogues in the play Vastraharan are as follows
- I alone am watching all of Draupadi’s episode, you don’t watch it.
- Tukaram’s liquor joint
- ‘Aaychyaa Ghovaacha Namaha’, ‘Nalaayakaaya Namaha’ – Denigration of Mantras by Taatya Sarpanch while performing puja
- It is enough if the sound reaches God’s ears.
- Hey you drunkard Arjun, Bhim!
- Thank you God, OK God.
- God has been possessed by God (divine energy).
- Master, ask God what kind of a woman he wants?
- God Indra is from ‘Kaamathipura’ (a red-light area in Mumbai)
- God has foresight, God has turned his sight.
- Lord Indra is the remaining balance of the 33 crore deities.