Mumbai – Anti-Hindu film PK has generated opposition even from Marathi film industry. Director Paresh Mokashi of ‘Elizabeth Ekadashi’ said that he did not like the film ‘PK’. Shri. Nitin Phanase, a film critic has stated that people want entertainment for few hours through films; but instead of that, such films are purposely made to attack their faith. In none of the Marathi or Hindi films, it is ever shown that there is no existence of Allah. If Allah word is uttered then also Muslims become angry; but films like ‘PK’ or ‘Aavataaraachi Goshta’ say anything about God and our people say nothing. It needs to be stopped somewhere.
Shri. Deepak Kadam, Director of Marathi films said, “Central Censor Board unnecessarily removes important dialogues from our films; but film like PK which has many objectionable dialogues are granted certification without any problem. The agitation by Hindutva-vadis is right.” Actor Girish Kulkarni of film ‘Deool’ gave a mixed reaction, objecting to only cheap frivolity of Amir Khan.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat