Nashik (maharashtra): The Malegaon police woke up from their slumber with a start after the Shiv Sena threatened to burn all the books named ‘Apki Amanat’ defaming Hindu deities authored by a Muslim maulana Muhammad Kalim Siddiqui, which were distributed to the public. The Sena also lodged a complaint against the publisher of the book Armugan Publications from Uttar Pradesh. The search is on for unknown maulanas from Uttar Pradesh along with burkha clad women.
The maulanas from Uttar Pradesh have hatched a conspiracy to create communal tension and riots between Hindus and Muslims here. The distribution of this book in the past week is a part of that conspiracy. The maulanas and burkha clad women are luring poor Hindus to embrace Islam. As the Shiv Sena’s appeal to the police fell on deaf ears this Muslim group enhanced its activities with greater zest. This resulted in further agitation in the Hindus. The Shiv Sena has warned that if no action is taken against the erring parties then they would not hesitate to agitate. The Shiv Sena delegation consisted of Shri. Rama Mistri, Shri. Sunil Devre, Shri. Rajendra Peter, Shri. Jagdish Gore, Shri. Dinesh Patil, etc.
The police finally filed cases against the author and publisher of the book for trying to create communal tension and attempting to disrupt law and order. Arrests are awaited.
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’