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Maharashtra : Press conference held at Thane to condemn attack on Hindu activists !


From left : Sitaram Juvatkar, Jayesh Tikhe, Dr. Uday Dhuri, Vikram Bhoir

Thane (Maharashtra) – The anti-social elements, who attacked Hindutva-vadi activists, did not do so out of personal vendetta. They are against people who try to propagate Hindu Dharma. Such organizations should be immediately banned. Legal action could have been taken but that was not done and it is most condemnable, said Dr. Uday Dhuri, the spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) in a press conference held at Thane. Few anti-social elements barged into house of a pro-Hindu activist at Pachpakhadi area in Thane, due to a message sent on ‘Whats Ap’ resulting in confrontations after which the social miscreants forcibly entered the house of that Hindutva-vadi and thrashed him. They took out picture of Swa. Savarkar and threw it on the floor, tore books by Swa. Savarkar; also tearing Sanatan’s Panchang with pictures of Deities. Stringent action should be taken against these social miscreants as per Law and they should be made to reimburse for the damage caused. The above demand has been made by various pro-Hindu organizations during a press conference held under the aegis of Rashtriya Hindu Andolan.

Shri. Vikram Bhoir of VHP said, “Nobody has right to desecrate Swa. Savarkar. We condemn insult of revolutionaries and denigration of pictures of Deities on Sanatan’s calendars (panchangs). Advocate Jayesh Tikhe, the Konkan In-charge of ‘Hindu Yuva Morcha’ said that Swa. Savarkar’s statue should be erected where his picture was damaged. The anti-social elements, who were nabbed for the offence, were released immediately.  I condemn it because they have been booked under minor charges. Shri. Sitaram Juvatkar of Hindu Rashtra Sena said, “It is not attack just at personal level but it’s an attack on pro-Hindu organizations. Threats were given on 18th December, attack took place on 20th December; I condemn that out of 8 persons, cases were filed against only 6 and they too are released immediately.”

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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