Solapur (Maharashtra): Shri. Anil Pargaokar launched a scandalous attack on Hindu Deities in a new year lecture series organised by the Laxmi Coop. Bank Ltd. here. (Hindus should remember these anti-Hindu elements! – Editor) When the matter came to the notice some ardent Hindus, they rushed to the police commissioner and registered a crime against the anti-religious Shri. Pargaokar. (Hearty accolades to the ardent Hindus of Solapur who took prompt action against the heretics! – Editor) The Akhil Bharatiya Warkari Mandal not only lodged a complaint against Shri. Pargaokar in the Sadar Bazar police station but staged strong agitations also. After the outbreak, Shri. Pargaokar gave a written apology letter to the ardent Hindus.
A lecture series was organised here in Hutatma Smruti Mandir on the eve of the new year. Shri. Pargaokar from Pune presented a one-act play titled ‘Hasu aani aasu’ in the programme.
He made unbridled fun of Hindu Deities in the programme. He went to the extent of using derogatory words about Bhagwan Brahma, Sree Vishnu and Vitthal. He did not spare even Prabhu Sree Ram and Ganapati of Sreemant Dagadusheth of Pune. The audience that consisted of most of Hindus responded with peels of laughter. But not a single person from the organisers came forward and tried to stop the programme. (Hindus’ true enemies are Hindus alone! Why should the Lord protect such spineless Hindus in their adverse times? – Editor) ‘Dainik Tarun Bharat’ published the news prominently. When it came to the notice of the ardent Hindus, a wave of anger spread through the community. (Congratulations to Dainik Tarun Bharat for giving prominence to the news regarding harm to Dharma and thus awakening the ardent Hindus! – Editor) The Akhil Bharatiya Warkari Mandal then lodged a complaint against Shri. Pargaokar in the Sadar Bazar police station.
Demonstrations by Akhil Bharatiya Warkari Mandal against denigration of Deities!
The Akhil Bhartiya Warkari Mandal staged agitations to protest against the denigration of Hindu Deities at Hutatma Smruti Mandit at 5 p.m. on 4th January evening. Singing of devotional songs to the accompaniment of the musical instruments tal and mrudunga were a part of the demonstrations. However, the police threatened to arrest them though they were demonstrating in a peaceful manner. (Why should the Hindus pay taxes for the livelihood of the police who threaten the ardent Hindus who protest peacefully instead of threatening the Dharma-defectors? – Editor) At last Shri. Anil Pargaokar sent an apology letter through fax for the untoward incident. Shri. Kulkarni, chairman of the bank and the office bearers of the cultural organisation under whose aegis the one-act play was presented also expressed public apology in this regard.
Apologising for the incident, the chairman of the bank Shri. Kamalakar Kulkarni said, “I apologise if the religious feelings of some Hindus were hurt by the lecture of Pargaokar”. A senior Warkari said, “Not only some Hindus, the religious feelings of all the Hindus have been hurt. If you not a Hindu, declare it openly”. (Congragulations to the ardent Hindu who has asked such a straightforward question! Hindus, take to task every birth-Hindu who supports the heretics, who does not question the heretics for their wrong deeds and tolerates gross damage to the Dharma! – Editor)
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’