Prime Minister’s “serfdom and salaam” to the British!

By Dr. Harishchandra Shah

An innocent, civilized, and religious woman is raped by a man, and, subsequent to the abusive encounter, she becomes pregnant.  Her moral, religious, legal, and ethical Rights are violated by the criminal Brute.  A firm believer of nonviolence, she refuses abortion and after delivery, to her shock and horror, she finds that a freak of nature is born; but, unwillingly she accepts her child because of motherly love and sentiments.  Rather that condemning the acts of the Rapist, the World is asked to 'Glorify the Brute', whose so called acts of benevolence (gifting the child to the woman), has to outweigh the dastardly crime (raping and demoralizing the woman)!!  A seemingly hypothetical, but painful reality of today's India!!

During his address at the Oxford University, among other things, the prime minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh had mentioned that today India and Britain are equal partners, that the British Rule had beneficial consequences in India, and, that during the occupation, Britain had ruled India with 'Good Governance'.  This fawnish attitude of the P.M. is indeed an 'insult' to the current one billion Hindus, as also to those patriotic freedom fighters who had dedicated their lives fighting the alien British for the independence of India.  Just as how the woman benefited from the rapist, let history be the guide as to how Indians benefited from the British-plunderers!

The alien Mughal Emperor ruling India at the time had authorized the British East India Company only to do 'overseas trade', but as per the Board of Directors' 26 April, 1765s minutes, the Company was doing 'everything illegal' in India as the enormous profits had blinded it against all atrocities against the Indians, and, the same year Robert Clive had 'legalized the illegalities'.  Around 1800s, able bodied Indian men and their families were picked up from destitute villages, and taken under 'contract' to other colonies to work the plantations in total bondage to their employers. 

By 1850, the company's profits were over 30 Million Pounds, whereas by 1901 over 47 Million Indians had become poor landless labourers.  During British 'GOOD GOVERNANCE', over 10 Million died in Bengal Famine in 1770; and, until 1899, the famines in Madras, Oudh, Bombay province, Orissa, Guntur district, Rajputana, North India, Central Provinces, etc., killed over 50 Million Indians in total — during this period, did even one alien British die because of famines in India?  When over 5 Million Indians died in the Bengal famine of 1943, the doctrine of 'Free Trade and Laissez Faire' was still being practiced, and the British were actually exporting 'grain' when Bengal was on the brink of catastrophe, (think of what happened in Ireland during the potato famine).

According to (Sir!) Thomas Munro, December 1787: "We are now the complete 'Masters of India' and nothing can shake our Powers, if we take proper measures to confirm it."  And, according to the self-appointed poet laureate Rudyard Kipling: "The responsibility of governing India had been placed by the inscrutable decree of Providence upon the shoulders of the British Race." 

When Viceroy Lord Wavell asked Winston Churchill for food for the millions of dying in Bengal, through telegram Churchill had replied (5 July 1944): "Why Gandhi Had Not Died Yet?"  When Wavell met Churchill in London in March 1945 to discuss what should be done about the famine situation, etc., ignoring the questions, Churchill said that he favoured the partition of India into Pakistan, Hindustan, Princetans, etc., etc., and if possible break the subcontinent into many parts — PLAN BALKAN.  According to Amery's diary entry of 9 September 1942, Churchill stated: "I hate Indians.  They are a Beastly people with a Beastly Religion."

During the mutiny at Cawnpore (1857), what kind of justice was delivered to Tatya Tope, Rao Sahib, Rani of Jhansi and million other Hindus?  During the massacre of Amritsar at Jallianwala Bag, general Rex Dyer on the orders of governor (Sir!) Michael O'Dwyer had opened fire on over 50,000 innocent peaceful demonstrators.  Indians were given humiliating orders, crawling orders to go on all fours, were flogged, etc., etc.  General Dyer wanted to teach the natives a lesson in the 'might of the British Power'. 

British fair-play:  The British House of Lords condoned Dyer's actions, pardoned him, and the chauvinistic lobby in Britain presented him with a 'sword and 20,000 Pounds for saving the Empire'.  The law of 'Anarchal & Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919' allowed the British to arrest and imprison any Indian without a trial and without the assistance of a lawyer.  As a teenager, Chandrashekhar Azad was punished with lashes in prison — stripped and tied to the 'whipping triangle' and, as each stripe fell on him, it cut deep into his flesh. 

The 'Lion of Punjab' Lala Lajpat Rai, at a huge anti-Simon peaceful rally at Lahore, was beaten by British police, and had later died due to the injuries.  Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt were executed for being patriotic — for they wanted to drive the alien British out of India.  History books, if researched courageously, and objectively, will exemplify the atrocities of the alien British on millions of Hindus, as also of enriching the Crown by looting the Indian subcontinent.  The so-called 'gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore's grandfather, Dwarkanath Tagore, used to give parties to the Britishers — where there would be music, ices, plenty of champagne, dancing, and 'all the luxurious adjuncts of an oriental factory'.  Other examples can fill all the books of all the libraries of the world!

Instead of making the national language Hindi compulsory in India, the P.M. Dr. Manmohan Singh extols the English language, and the English heritage, and fawnishly states how the people of India have been hypnotized by it — as they have made English as their own language. Can there be anything more hypocritical than this kind of servitude?  As per Dr. Singh's statement: "That Oxford had sent out many men to rule India, and they are remembered in India for their contribution to our life and society, and, British ruled India with Good Governance." 

Then, indeed, inferentially it could be surmised that the British rule in India was really good, and that the Hindus are feeling guilty of having kicked them out, and that the Hindus still want them to rule over them as in the past with the same Good-Governance!!  Maybe, the prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh intends to relinquish his premiership to the British Good-Governance, and settle in the country of his alma matter, Britain, which is really a humanitarian, utopian, and egalitarian country, according to Dr. Manmohan Singh!  But, the 'burning question' is whether the One Billion Hindus believe in the Philosophy and Idolatrous Ideology of the prime minister Dr. Singh, and whether they would ever allow any foreign domination again??!!

Let all the Hindus, always stay 'informed, vigilant and proactive'.

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