Hindus be Cautious — “Old Fiend” wants to be “New Friend”!

By Dr. Harishchandra Shah

A ‘fiend’ is nothing but a diabolically cruel and a wicked person, who has the nature and qualities of a ‘Satan’.  The British rule during the Colonialization was criminal, torturous, and fiendish. On the other hand, a ‘friend’ is a person who is amiable, kind, affectionate, a well-wisher, and one who will never harm and betray you.  Judging the historicity, crimes against the Hindus, and the legacy of the British-brutes, isn’t it time that the relationship of civilized Hindus with the floccinaucinihilipilification British be thrown into oblivion?

During his recent visit to India, the prime minister of Britain, Mr. Gordon Brown had stated that, "One of the themes of his visit was that this is a relationship looking forward and not back."  With reference to India and the United Kingdom, the prime minister talked of the ties of common history, shared values, personal friendship, etc., and to make his point — those ties of history again — Brown quoted Winston Churchill: "Those who build the present in the image of the past will miss out entirely on the challenges of the future."

"I hate Indians. They are a Beastly people with a Beastly Religion", Churchill had also stated, and surprisingly indeed, Brown deliberately failed to mention that disparaging, insulting and blasphemous quotation of the Second World War belligerent Minister.  How smart for the trickster — the Wolf in the Sheep’s clothing — to try to subtly fool the Indian Citizens! And the fawnish prime minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, (worshipper of the British ‘Good Governance’ and smitten with affection by the new ‘master Brown’) not only didn’t challenge him, but it seemed that his speech was probably scripted by the British authority, for ‘each and every word that Manmohan Singh uttered was seemingly weighed and thence acknowledged by the demanding demeanor of the British prime minister!    

The Union Jack (the symbol of British colonial
atrocities!) was on display to greet Gordon Brown and his delegation of corporate bigwigs and academics — just the latest in a long line of visitors looking for business in a country in the midst of dizzying changes; and, later billions of pounds worth of deals were being discussed by the ‘small and big British corporate players’ and, Brown had said: "Ten Billion Pounds of deals could be signed within a month, stating that UK-India trade was growing by 20% a year. Then, in order to trap the gullible Indians into the so-called ‘material prosperity and progress’, Brown tactfully announced a new package of ‘development aid’ worth 825 million pounds over the next 3 years."   

Arguably, if India doesn’t get into this ‘corporatist-commercial-extractive-relationship’, then, as emphatically stated by Gordon Brown–how will it miss out entirely on the challenges of the future?  India always was, is, and will be self-sufficient without ‘outside interventions’ and ‘outside markets’.  When India didn’t have the current ‘technological and material products’–to mention a few, like the television, video-players, video-games, cell-phones, washing machines, dish washers, etc., etc.–then it still had survived, and was able to produce and provide the ‘food and other essential amenities’ necessary for the daily sustenance and survival of its Citizens, who had–relatively –a more spiritual, natural, qualitative, superior, cultured, significant, traditional, fulfilling, fruitful and, ‘wholesome way of organic life’. 

There is nothing wrong in having ‘modern technological advancement and other material products’, but the progress should be consistent to, reflective of –and, should not be detrimental to–the ‘Sanatan Dharmik Civilization’.  Currently, the British and other European economies are in ‘shocking-shambles’ and since those Countries have nothing else to offer to the World, the only way they can survive is by selling (dumping!) their so-called technologically advanced material products into the so-called emerging markets of the ‘developing-Countries!’   Probably, it has become a question of ‘Survival or Death’ for the British and other outside economies!  What the British had stolen, for over 500 years, during its colonialism in different parts of the world–that ‘stolen-hoarded’ amenities are fast dwindling, and since the World is now more ‘aware and awake of its Rights’, the British has probably conceived an innovative stratagem of indirect-colonialism!   

Getting on with India is not optional, but it has become a necessity for the British.  And, when within a few years, India could have a middle class of half billion people, it would become a lucrative market for the United Kingdom!  Since its ‘treasure-chest’ of looted colonial-wealth is fast dwindling, now Britain needs India more than India may need Britain.  Brown had also stated: "Everywhere you look, the relationship between UK and India is strengthening, and there are many families who have roots in the UK and India.  Also, many Indians are elected members of the British parliament."  Arguably, what has that to do with the Indian Citizens?  Because of the inclusion of Indians in the British parliament, is Brown trying to oblige India, or is he trying to convey the message that the British have now become more civilized?  How does this raise the prestige of India or how does this benefit India?  This ‘inclusion of Indians (the British Citizens) in the parliament’ would be possible because of the policy of its democracy, and it could also be possible because of the ‘far-sighted strategy’ of the ‘Shenanigan-British’! 

Isn’t India a Sovereign Country?  Gordon Brown intends to build 300,000 schools and train 300,000 teachers in India – with the aid of 825 million Pounds over 3 years – so that millions of children could go to school and get ‘educated!’; also, plans to boost educational cooperation including a ‘long-term educational forum’ to discuss issues of ‘mutual concerns’ as well as more transfers of University staff and students.  Why this sudden ‘interest and concern’ about the uneducated children in India?   Among many things, Thomas Babington Macaulay, said in 1835: "It is impossible for us, with limited means, to attempt to educate the body of the people.  We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; A class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.  To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population."  Hence, now Gordon Brown also wants the Indian Children to be conditioned at the ‘tender and younger’ age into the English traditions, English customs, and English way of life!  In this way, the ‘conditioned Indian children’—in future—would probably be more loyal to the United Kingdom rather than their own ‘Mother-Country-Bharat’ and would be easy prey for the ‘Corporatist British Markets’!  When, towards the end of the British Raj, the foreign educated Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was asked as to what he thought of the Western civilization, he had replied: "I think, it would be a good idea."

Again, many students in Britain are ‘school-dropouts and truants’ and even many can’t do the simple Mathematical tasks of ‘simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, without the aid of calculators’ etc., etc.  If overall the British Educational System is really fruitful for the country, and its ‘school and university staff and students’ are so intelligent and smart, then why is it that Britain has had needed Doctors, Dentists, Engineers, and Other Professionals (all educated in India) for over the past 50 years or so?  Indeed, with the transfers of British educators to India that Brown is talking about, what kind of expertise and educational knowledge the current British School-teachers and University-professors are going to bring to ‘indoctrinate’ the uneducated Indian children?  Also, the ‘debauched British Society’ is getting more and more decadence, and the historicity of the British ‘crimes of plunder, murders, pillage, theft, slavery, invasion of Sovereign Nations, occupations, and other violations against humanity’ are common knowledge, and are these some of the ‘shared values’ that the two prime ministers, Gordon Brown and Manmohan Singh were talking about?

Indeed, with the British and other outside influences – slowly but surely – there can be decadence of the ‘Spiritual Sanatan Dharmik Civilization’, and if and when that happens, then it would be almost impossible to revert back to the ‘normal civilized state’!  So, wouldn’t it be prudent to take the ‘appropriate and meaningful actions’ now, rather than waiting for the inevitable ‘modificative and destructive consequences’ by the outside materialistic detrimental progress?  Shouldn’t Brown, educate his own country into ‘civility and authentic progress’ and, refrain from meddling into the Political, Social, Educational, Economical and Other Spheres of Sovereign India?  Does India dictate to Britain how it should conduct its overall business?  In politically ‘incorrect words’, shouldn’t Britain mind its own business?  Brown had also stated that since both the countries were victims of terrorism, hence cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism should be the priority of both sides.  Look who is talking?  Yesterday’s, ‘colonial-terrorist’ and ‘racist invader-occupier’of Sovereign India, today wants to be India’s ‘friend and equal partner’!  This ought to be the biggest joke of the 21st Century!  Also, during his speech, the Oxford educated Manmohan Singh (the fawnish admirer of the atrocious ‘good-governance’ of Angreezi Raj), among many things, had stated: "Mr. Brown’s visit had brought a fresh momentum to our strategic partnership."  Hopefully, indeed, there must not be ‘New Mir Jafars and Omichands’ to impoverish India, and enrich the dying British economy!

In order to generate prosperity for the dying British economy, the prime minister Gordon Brown insists that India should forget the past and move forward.  But, Hindus should remember that ‘the Past’ is connected to ‘the Present’ and what actions they take now will affect ‘the Future’!  If you don’t know where you have come from, you don’t know where you are going!  A Hindu who doesn’t study ‘the Past’ and learn from ‘the History’ and take appropriate and meaningful proactive actions for the perpetual survival of the ‘Sanatan Dharmic Civilization’ may/will become like a ‘Tree without Roots’!  So far, ‘Mother India’was made ‘the doormat’ by the foreign invaders – who had abused ‘Her’ – as and when they felt like!  Patriotic and Courageous Hindus shouldn’t allow that anymore, and should put a stop to this shenanigan, now!  

Let all the Hindus, always, be ‘informed, vigilant, courageous, and proactive’.

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» Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha

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