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AIB organisers should not apologise only Christian community, but the entire nation : HJS

Magh Krushnapaksha 8, Kaliyug Varsha 5116


Organisers of a disputed and obscene programme ‘AIB’ recently met religious priests of Christians about some objectionable remarks passed in their programme on Christian religion and tendered unconditional apology of the priests and Christian community. When the devout Hindu and other women’s organisations had objected to this disputed and obscene programme, the organisers refused to pay any heed to these objection under the pretext of ‘freedom of expressions’. Such a diabolical role causes social division in the nation. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti demands if at all, the organisers wanted to tender apology, they should have done so to the entire Bharatiya citizens and specifically to the women in the country.

The organisers of this programme are purposefully giving disparaging treatment to the Bharatiya culture, which has a following of around 100 crores, and displaying regards for Christians, who hardly form 2-3% of the population of the country. This is a sort of a discrimination shown on the basis of religion. If the organisers claimed freedom of expression, would it be only in respect of Hindus, but not regarding Christians ? Therefore, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti demands that the organisers of ‘AIB’ should tender apology to the entire nation immediately. Similarly, the State Government should take stringent action against the organisers and artists of this programme, failing which Hindu Janajagruti Samiti will be constrained to launch an agitation.

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