Do Unto “Others”, What They Have Done Unto “You” ??

By Dr. Harishchandra Shah

The Muslim painter, Mr. M. F. Hussain has/had drawn ‘nude’, ‘inappropriate’ and ‘vulgar’ paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses — by abusing his freedom of expression, and by disregarding the ‘Dharmic sentiments and feelings’ of over one billion followers of Sanatan Dharmic Culture.  Despite these ‘criminal mischievousness’, according to the Zee News, M F Hussain was selected by the Kerala government’s prestigious Raja Ravi Verma Award.  Also, NDTV — a private news channel — had recommended M F Hussain, through its poll, for the most prestigious ‘Bharat Ratna" award.

By painting the Hindu Gods and Goddesses in nude, the ‘debauched-Hussain’ had probably displayed his innate Muslim fanaticism!  Many people have argued that, "If and since, Hussain claims to be an ‘artist and a painter’ and, if he has/had ‘any guts at all’, then shouldn’t he also have painted his god of Islam and other Muslim leaders as inappropriately as well"?  Recently, ‘debauched-Hussain’ again had the temerity and audacity to paint Hindu Gods and Bharatmata inappropriately.  Indeed, despite his blasphemous acts, there has not been enough demand for justice and punishment of ‘debauched-Hussain’, by the majority of the Hindus. Does it mean that the Hindus are so tolerant to the extent of being so stupid?  Or, do they simply not care any more?

Where is the voice and outrage of a few civilized Muslims?  Are they not equally shocked, saddened, and hurt by "debauched-Hussain’s" actions?  Since there is no cry for justice for the Hindus by the Muslims, seemingly and extrapolatively, their silence could be inferred as subtle indirect approval and support of "debauched-Hussain’s" abnormal behaviour — so this definitely creates the classic situation of "guilt by association".  But, when there appeared ‘inappropriate cartoons’ of a leader of Islam in the Danish Newspaper, then there was uproar and condemnation of this act by Muslims all over the world.  Why are there double standards?  We can inflict all injustices and atrocities on you, but how dare you treat us the same way?  Since 570 A.D., Muslims have showered Hindus with their "Blessings of Love, Compassion, and Brotherhood" in the form of "Occupation, Conversions, and Other Atrocities".  Still, they claim that their religion is a religion of peace!

Why Hindus allow themselves to be kicked like a football, wherever and whenever, at the whims and mercy of the players?  Where is our honor?  Where is our dignity?  Where is our pride?  As long as Hindus follow the ideologies of pseudo-Hindu leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Babasaheb Ambedkar and Others — who were trained, educated and conditioned in foreign methods and had carried the subtle strategic agendas of their masters, directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly — then, we are surely following the path of destruction of Sanatan Dharma!  Hindus were never violators and invaders, still they offered their First Cheek to be slapped; the Aggressors still not happy, Hindus offered their Second Cheek to be slapped.  My challenge is: Which Third Cheek are We going to offer to the Violators?  When our Hindu culture is being insidiously disparaged, where is the voice of our Hindu leaders — of different organizations in India and foreign countries — who like to associate with politicians and elected officials of different countries?  When these ‘brave Hindu leaders’ have to take a stand for the Hindu-Rights, suddenly they become intellectually, spiritually, and morally impotent!

Most Hindus prefer a path of ‘least resistance’ or ‘no resistance’ at all!  Most have been so much mesmerized by the materialistic amenities of the modern world, that they have forgotten their Roots — the Ancestral Past of Sanatan Civilization is connected with the Present, and how you live and shape your Present will affect your Future.  By hiding, taking a detour or running away from the problems will never offer solutions; since, sooner or later, the problems would become humongous — almost impossible to solve.  So, must not one "strike when the iron is hot"?  Shouldn’t the Criminals have to be checked in their first acts of crimes?  Otherwise, the Criminals have an upper hand and will continuously take advantage of Hindu gentleness and humility.  But if challenged, the Criminals will be taken aback by surprise and run away forever!  Stand up for your Rights, Dignity, and Dharma.

What is the meaning of your life’s journey during which you willingly accept all kinds of injustices inflicted upon your Culture, your Traditions, your Dharma, and you live a life upto 100 years of age?  "That’s a Coward’s life!"  Even the "physically and mentally challenged" people are fighting for their rights on this planet.  What is wrong with Us — the Hindus?  Are we suffering from the aftermath of over 2300 years of oppression that we do not want to get out of the "Post-Traumatic-Subjugation-Syndrome" — willingly?  And, we don’t want to leave our "comfort-zones" of temporary materialistic lazy lives?  What legacy does the present Hindu-generation would want to leave for the future-descendants?  That our Hindu forefathers were cowards — they didn’t fight for their fundamental rights for the protection and respect of Sanatan Dharmic Civilization!  Why not set an example that from now onwards — nobody would ever dare inflict atrocities upon our Culture?  "Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha" — translating, if all Hindus follow the teachings of the Dharma and fulfill all aspects of the Dharma, then, the Dharma will protect all the Hindu followers, because (since) all Hindus will be vigilant and proactive to save the Dharma — in turn, protecting the followers of the Dharma.  Think and Understand — Intelligently and Profoundly!

An Aggressor — who doesn’t want to be Civilized — will have to be confronted ethically, morally, psychologically, socially, economically, politically, diplomatically, judicially, etc., etc., and if all these attempts fail to get Justice, then should the only alternative open be the ‘rule of the jungle’?  In any situation, where the ‘Hindu Fundamental Rights’ are violated — Pacifism & Tolerance are synonymous with Cowardice & Impotence!  Are Hindus reduced as Zombies — a Conditioned Robotic Automation, with no Strength, Will, and Courage to fight for their Fundamental Human Rights?  To commit atrocities is as criminal as to willingly, silently, nonviolently, and cowardly suffer at the hands of the Criminals!  For any atrocities against the Hindus, as the so-called ‘impartial judicial system’ follows its legal procedures, Hindus should always keep the issues alive, intelligently and with protest marches, until justice is served.

The Hindu ‘Namaskar’ — hands held together as a sign of respect and humility — has been misconstrued, as a ‘fawnish Hindu servitude’, by the alien settlers and descendants of the foreign barbaric criminal invaders.  But, it should be emphasized that, the same "Namaskar Hands" can also form the "Fist of Fury"  — Martial Arts had originated in India to protect the Sanatan Dharmic Civilization, and we have/had forgotten how to protect it from foreign illegal criminal settlers?  In situations like ‘domestic-violence’, a spouse suffers abuses, thinking and wishing, that one day the abuser will stop — willingly; consequently, the end result is mostly, either death or some other horrible outcome of the victim.  The Miscreants have to be challenged, charged, prosecuted, and when found guilty, to be punished in the judicial system.  Still, if Hindus don’t get justice, then sometimes can this be applied: Lato Ke Bhut Bato Se Nahi Mante?  Let the "courage and conscience" of the Hindus guide them, as to how to get justice against the Violators who have desecrated and denigrated their Gods, Goddesses, and Sanatan Dharmik Culture.

If Hindus don’t take a proactive stand and fight for the survival of their Sanatan Dharma and Culture, then in 200 years or maybe sooner, when Rip Van Winkle wakes up from his deep slumber, then — probably — There Will Be No Hindu Left On The Planet, …, …, …, … !!!! ????
Let all the Hindus, always, be "informed, vigilant, courageous, and proactive".

Also See

» Protest against M.F.Hussain
» Learn Hinduism
» Hindu Genocide in Kashmir

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