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Assam needs protection from Bangladeshi infiltrators more than development : Ramesh Shinde

Phalgun Krushna paksha 3, Kaliyug Varsh 5116

7th Anniversary program of ‘Hindu Yuva Manch’, Assam

Hindutva-vadi leaders attending the program of ‘Hindu Yuva Manch’, Assam

Bongai Gaon (Assam) : Modi Government has made special budgetary provision for development of Assam which is quite commendable; but, if Bangladeshi infiltrators are not driven out of State, it is like spending the funds on them. The Prime Minister had promised people during Parliamentary elections that after 16th May (i.e the date of Parliamentary election results), Bangladeshi infiltrators would be sent back to Bangladesh with their bag and baggage if BJP Government came in power. Now, it will be one year since the promise made; therefore, before 16th May, he should pass a stringent law against Bangladeshi infiltrators and fulfill his promise. People of Assam first want security, said Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the all-India spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) while addressing a program organized on the occasion of 7th anniversary day of ‘Hindu Yuva Manch’, Assam.

Shri. Shinde said, “As per the census report of 2011 conducted by the Central Government, population of Muslims in Assam has increased maximum compared to increase in population of Muslims in other parts of India. Hindus should therefore, be alert. There is an ancient relation between Assam and Hindu culture. Rukmini, wife of Srikrushna was from Assam. Hindu culture is prevailing in Assam for thousands of years but today, jihadis are grabbing lands and Christians are converting Hindus to prove their dominance. All of us should therefore, prepare ourselves for establishment of Hindu Rashtra and stop such dominance.”

The program was attended by Pujya Kaivalyanath Swamiji, ‘Muthadeesh’ of ‘Gouraksha Peetha’, Shri. Pramod Mutalik, the Founder-President of Sriram Sena, Shri. Deva Govind Raju, Vice President of ‘Hindu Makkal Kachhi’, Tamil Nadu, Shri. Nitin Kurye from Nagpur engaged in research and conservation of Archaeological things and Smt. Zemira Eli Natan who had come from USA (Israeli in origin).

Hindustan is the only home for Hindus ! – Shri. Pramod Mutalik

Shri. Pramod Mutalik said, “You do not consider yourself alone but we all are with you. Soon, we will start a movement called ‘Bangladeshi Bhagao, Desh Bachao (Drive out Bangladeshis and save this country)’. Today, there is need to save Hindustan as this is the only home for Hindus when there are many countries for followers of other Sects. So, join the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra.”

Smt. Zemira Eli Natan said, “The culture and problems faced by Israel and India are similar. As Jews in Israel are endangered due to Muslims and Christians, Hindus in India too face similar problems; therefore, both the countries should help each other. Attempts were made to attack and eliminate Indians and Jews. If we do not stop such attacks, the most ancient culture in the world will be destroyed.”

Shri. Nitin Kurye gave information on his work related to protection of ancient Hindu culture and manuscripts on Majoli islands in Assam. Shri. Dev Govind Raju extended invitation to all for visiting Tamil Nadu. Pujya Kaivalyanath Swamiji said in his guidance, “Assam’s survival is possible only with unity amongst us; else today, a Bangladeshi named Badruddin Ajmal is MP; tomorrow, he may become Chief Minister of Assam. Then on the following day, he will implement Shariat Act in Assam and levy ‘Jizia’ tax on Hindus. Explain to your daughters, true nature of jihadis and save them from love jihad.”

Shri. Shivashankar Kundu, Secretary of ‘Hindu Yuva Manch Sanghatan’ explained the purpose behind setting up of this organization; before which Shri. Tapan Das, Secretary of ‘Hindu Yuva Manch’ welcomed all and Shri. Bhanwarlal Panbar concluded with vote of thanks.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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