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Review of HJS activities in Kerala in February 2015 !

Phalgun Krushna paksha 10/11, Kaliyug Varsh 5116

1. Awakening with regard to not celebrating the Valentine Day !

Valentine Day is celebrated on 14th February as per the western culture. Leaflets were distributed to awaken people regarding the incorrect tradition; so also, posters were displayed awakening people about the same. 3 devout Hindus assisted in this campaign. Mr. Radhakrushnan from Palakkad District gave these posters in 2 schools, besides he displayed them himself in 18 places.

2. Worth emulating example of a devout Hindu

Mr. Babu, selling Holy texts giving information about Hindu Dharma in a town called Talashheri in Kerala, purchased Sanatan’s Holy texts, booklets, audio-video CDs of religious observances, in Malayalum for sale in his shop. He organises book-exhibition at various places. Now he will be including Sanatan’s Holy texts also in such exhibitions.

3. Lectures and book-exhibitions

In this month 5 lectures were held . Holy texts also were exhibited at those places. There was good response for both.

4. Spreading Spirituality on the occasion of Shivratri

Holy texts were exhibited in 4 temples in Ernakulam, in Kerala on the occasion of Shivratri, besides a lecture also was organised in one of the temples.

5. Mataji from Trichi paid a visit to the Ashram in Kerala and blessed the seekers with success in their mission !

Worshipper of Shri Vidya and President of Shri Lalita Mahila Samajam, Tiruingaimalai, Trichi, Tamil Nadu, Guru Shri-la-Shri-Mataji (Mataji) paid a visit to the sevakendra in Kerala on 24.2.2015. She blessed the seekers there to accomplish their mission of rendering service unto Dharma (Dharmakarya). Mataji has an ashram at Trichi and she is the worshipper of Shri Vidya. She gives training about worshipping Yoginis also.

She blessed the seekers saying, you continue your Dharmakarya sincerely with courage ! There will be opposition; but Guru will lift you up to tread on the path further. She has invited the seekers to attend the Shri Vidya Mahayag (Huge Fire sacrifice) to be held at Trichi between 25.12.2015 to 4.1.2016 under the guidance of Mataji.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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