Adoni: Padmashali Sampradaya had organised a ‘Rath-yatra’ on the occasion of birth anniversary of Sri Markandeya Swami. The rally reached the main road of the city at about 8.00 p.m. when participants from the rally started to dance, in hideous manner, to the tune of film songs. (Such undesirable things in religious programs cause damage to Dharma and Hindus who do not even realize such things are the real foes of Hindu Dharma! – Editor) The above incident was noticed by Shri. N. Ravi, a member of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and he met the chief organizer of the rally and tried to make him understand the harm caused to Dharma due to their behaviour; but the chief and other participants were unable to understand. (What kind of a chief he is who has no control over his people – Editor); instead he asked Shri. Ravi to explain the matter to the participants. Shri. Ravi therefore, told them about the damage they were causing to Dharma inviting deities’ wrath. Thereafter, the participants agreed and stopped the film songs and played devotional songs.
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’