Beware of G. Ananda’s conversion tactic of portraying Hinduism and Christianity as one and the same

An alert Hindu from Malaysia brought it to Forum for Hindu Awakening’s (FHA) attention that, in an attempt to convert Hindus to Christianity, Gregory Alexander, a so-called ‘peace-loving’ Christian, has taken on a Hindu sounding name called Sri G. Ananda. He propagates falsehood about Hindu Deities and Hinduism, to fool gullible Hindus into thinking that Hindu Deities and Hinduism are similar to Jesus Christ and Christianity. In this attempt, Gregory Alexander has written many books which are available online:

According to Gregory Alexander, the essence of Christ is found in Hinduism, and in return, the essence of Hinduism is found in Christ. The teachings of  Alexander seek to show that Jesus Christ truly is the Lord of all, and that the God proclaimed in Christianity is not distant, or foreign, to the indigenous men and women of India. Alexander’s attempt is to say that Hindu deities are none other than messengers of God, just like Jesus. He has also tried to fit Hinduism’s knowledge about kundalini and reincarnation into the frame of the Bible. He compares Hindu deities with Jesus in his publications and uses false analogies to prove similarities in the two religions. (Hinduism cannot be compared with Christianity, since Hinduism has the 4 Vedas, 18 Puranas, Upanishads, and a vast repertoire of Holy texts that are hard to complete studying in a lifetime, whereas Christianity only has the Bible. The Bible is limited to the message of love, whereas in Hinduism there are various spiritual paths (yoga marg) suitable to the temperament of the individual. In Hinduism there are 330 million Deities, each with their specialized function in the universe. There is time tested knowledge in Hinduism, unlike in the Bible which has myths like the earth is flat. If Christianity and Hinduism are the same, where is the need to convert to Christianity, abandoning Hinduism ? Why not convert to Hinduism instead, since Christianity came just about 2000 years ago whereas the Sanatan Hindu Dharma has been in existence for millions of years ? – Editor, FHA)

Given ahead are extracts from prefaces of Gregory Alexander’s books which show his attempt to confuse gullible Hindus into accepting Christianity:

Shiva : A rediscovery of the Holy Spirit – Gregory Alexander mentions that there are mysteries involving Lord Shiva that are hidden in the original Hebrew manuscript of the Holy Bible. He claims that Shiva is a Hebrew word, which is found in the original text of the Hebrew Bible. He says that Jesus is called a stone of Shiva in the Bible. He further claims that the seven chakras, associated with Shiva, are found in the Bible. (Lord Shiva and Jesus cannot be compared as, the Shiva is the conductor of the five actions in the universe – Srushti (Creation), Sthiti (Sustenance), Samhar (Annihilation), Anugraha (Grace) and Vilaya (Dissolution). This universe is a reflection of the Supreme Shiva. Vilaya (Dissolution) is the function of Supreme Shiva. The word Shiva (शिव) has been derived by reversing the letters of the word ‘vash’ (वश्) in Sanskrit. Vash means to enlighten; hence, the one who enlightens is Shiva. Shiva is Absolute, self-radiant. He remains radiant and illuminates the universe. There are six chakras in our body – Muladhar-chakra, Swadhishthan-chakra, Manipur- chakra, Anahat-chakra, Vishuddha-chakra and Adnya-chakra. After the Kundalini shakti flows through these chakras it enters the Sahasrar-chakra. Each of these chakras is associated with specific Deities. For example, the Muladhar-chakra is associated with Shri Ganapati, and the Swadhishthan-chakra is associated with Datta. In other words, a specific Deity is the master of that respective chakra. Shiva is the master of the Adnya-chakra. There are twelve Jyotirlingas and they are the major places of worship of Shiva. They materialised in a radiant form. These Shivalingas have greater amount of nirguṇtattva, they constantly emit greater quantum of nirguṇ Chaitanya and sattvikta. This helps in continuously purifying the atmosphere on the earth. Also, since these waves are constantly emitted towards the region of Hell, they are in continuous combat with the negative energies there. Hence, the earth is constantly protected from the attacks of powerful negative energies from the region of Hell.​ There are Holy texts which will help devotees of Deity Shiva get scripturally accurate and authoritative information about the meaning & functions of Deity Shiva’s Principle. In which verse or in which Holy texts of Hinduism is it mentioned that Jesus is Shiva? This claim finds no place in the tradition of Hinduism. – Editor, FHA) 

Krishna : The Christ-Consciousness – Alexander says that the name Krishna sounds like Christian, the life of Krishna is like the life of Christ, and the teachings of Krishna are nearly identical to that which was taught by Jesus. He adds that while growing up, Krishna healed the sick, raised the dead and performed many miracles. Krishna is the second member of the Trinity, for as Vishnu, he is God incarnated in the flesh. Alexander claims that in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna calls himself the Sacrifice, showing that He came to earth to die, thus paying the debt of Karma for those who put their faith in him. (The Bhagavad Gita and the Bible cannot be compared, as the Bible merely talks about heaven, whereas the Gita explains how to reach Moksha, beyond heaven. In the Gita, Shreekrushna explains about and recommends worshipping murties (consecrated idols of Deities) whereas in the Bible, worshipping idols of Deities has been denounced. Can Alexander tell in which verse of the Bhagavad Gita does Krishna indicate that He came to earth to die, to pay the debt of Karma for those who put their faith in Him? O Hindus, ask such questions to those who seek to confuse and convert by spreading misconceptions about Hinduism. Contact Forum for Hindu Awakening for Dharma education to have accurate knowledge of Hindu Holy texts, so as to see through such falsehoods. – Editor, FHA)

Ganesha : The resurrected Son of God – Alexander compares and claims similarities between Jesus and the Hindus’ Deity Ganesh. He says both were born according to prophecy, to destroy demons, both are Son of God, conceived without physical union. Both suffered at the hands of God, their father and were put to death by God’s will. He has compared Shri Ganesh getting the head of an elephant with resurrection of Jesus. (‘Aadishakti’ Parvati makes an idol of a boy from her grime and breathes life into it. He is the revered auspicious Ganesha. ‘Aadishakti’ Parvati is the mother of the world. Whole nature is created from Her. She gives power to Shiva as she is the embodiment of Power. The body made of ‘Panchamahabhutas (the five Cosmic Elements)’ has limitations; but with the power of ‘sadhana (spiritual practise)’, Parvati goes beyond all such limits; therefore, she can merge with God. Is there anything impossible for such superpower? So, she could create a son from Her grime that is part of Her ‘chaitanya i.e. divine consciousness’. At the time of His birth, Parvati has selfish thoughts that her son should always obey Her. Now, anything done with selfish thoughts drifts away from ‘Sattvikata (purity and holiness)’. So, Ganesha crosses all limits of prudence while obeying His mother; exhibiting no sense of mercy, pity or forgiveness. Such power tilts more towards ‘Raja/Tama’; rather becomes pre-dominant with ‘Tama’ and same thing happened with Ganesha. Ganesha had enormous power as He was made from grime of ‘Aadishakti’; but had ‘Raja-Tama’ intellect. He was created for the welfare of the Universe. Omniscient Shiva had realized that such tainted intellect would not do anything in the interest of world, in fact, would cause harm to the world. Shiva had to, therefore, decide to sever head of His son. Because without doing that, owing to Ganesha’s tainted intellect and inflated ego, the world would have been endangered. In Hinduism every action has a Shaastra (science), where is such science given in the Bible underlying the birth of Jesus? Here, the Deity has incarnated on the earth for a particular function in the welfare of the universe. – Editor, FHA)

Vishnu : Incarnations of a Savior – Alexander claims that Vishnu, who as the second member of the Hindu Trinity, reveals Jesus Christ, who was God born in human form. He adds that the name Jesus itself means ‘The Preserver’, a reference to Vishnu. He further claims that the Church is called the Bride of Christ, and this fulfills the role of Lakshmi, who is born as the collective wife of Krishna. He also says that just as Radha takes one special role, Mary Magdalene takes on this role for Jesus. (Four personages of Shri Vishnu have been described in the Vishnu Puran, the first reclines on Shesh, the second nurtures creation, the third assumes an incarnation and reinstates Righteousness (Dharma) and the fourth destroys unrighteousness and demons. Can Alexander tell where in Hindu Holy texts does Vishnu reveal Jesus and is Lakshmi mentioned to be the collective wife of Krishna? – Editor) 

Brahma : The God of Abraham – Alexander mentions that the so-called “Brahmin” religion, which stems from the Vedic Kingdom of around 1500 BC, honored the Supreme God Brahma and his wife Saraswati. He claims that Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus have all acknowledged the startling parallel to Abraham, the patriarch of all Abrahamic faiths, from around 2000 BC. He adds that Abraham’s wife too, was named Sarah, and her maid servant was named Hagar. Moreover, Sarah was the half-sister of Abraham, just as Saraswati was the half- sister or daughter, born as the inherent energy from within Brahma. (Brahma is the creator of the universe and of all beings.. The Vedas, the oldest and the holiest of Hindu scriptures, are attributed to Brahma, and thus Brahma is regarded as the father of Dharma. He is not to be confused with Brahman which is a general term for the Supreme Being or Almighty God. Can Alexander tell where in Hindu Holy texts is the parallel between Brahma and Abraham acknowledged and Saraswati called the half-sister of Brahma?-Editor)

Narayana: The Secret Gospel of Noah: Alexander claims that the story of Noah is not bound to the Bible; it flows through all areas of Hindu beliefs and teaching, from the drama of the epics to the Spirituality of yoga. He says that the Hindu Noah is known as Manu and he is told by God to build a boat to survive a great flood. He further claims that Narayana means ‘Resting on the water’ and this refers to the primal waters upon which God’s spirit was hovering, which is what the Bible says as well. He adds that from these same waters of the creation, the world was flooded. (Can Alexander tell where in Hindu Holy texts is the story of Noah ? – Editor, FHA)

If Alexander truly believes in the oneness of religion, why doesn’t he mention that Hindu Deities are truly the Lord of all and convert to Hinduism? Thus, Alexander seems to have the intention of converting gullible Hindus into Christianity. We appeal to all Hindus to alert fellow Hindus about this conversion attempt through Gregory Alexander’s (Sri G. Ananda’s) website and books.

Source : Forum For Hindu Awakening

1 thought on “Beware of G. Ananda’s conversion tactic of portraying Hinduism and Christianity as one and the same”

  1. Yeah he was on my friends page spewing this propaganda. He is now adorning a kurta.. probably another tactic to convert Hindu’s as originally I assumed he was Hindu only.


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